Farm Tender

Sulfoprill Gypsum with 14% Sulphur

$690.00 + GST ($759.00 Inc. GST)

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Status : Farm Inputs
Location : Altona, Central, VIC
Category : Fertiliser, Gypsum
Listing Date : 25/07/2024, 12:15pm


Sulfuprill Gypsum with 14% Sulphur

Omya Sulfoprill 14 is a 2 to 6 mm granulated product manufactured by Omya in Germany from ultra-fine particles of calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate. It improves soil structure and provides a readily available source of calcium and sulphur nutrition to the growing crop.

Calcium and sulphur are key nutrients required by all crops. Calcium deficiency results in slower root growth and damage to the tissues of developing leaves and fruit. Sulphur is required for amino acid and chlorophyll production and is especially important for nitrogen fixation in legumes. Sulphur is not stored easily in the soil from one year to the next, so crops will become deficient if additional sources are not available. Omya Sulfoprill 14 can also be used to balance excess magnesium and to correct sodic soils without any reduction in soil pH.

Regular application of Omya Sulfoprill 14 at low rates will correct sodic soils and replace calcium and sulphur taken up by the previous crop.

Omya Sulfoprill 14 is low in dust and can be applied to either established pasture or crops at any time, using standard spreader equipment and allowing complete flexibility for the grower.

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