Farm Tender

Phoenix Canola Seed

$33.00 + GST ($36.30 Inc. GST)

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Status : Farm Inputs
Location : Smeaton, Central, VIC
Category : Grain & Seed, Canola
Listing Date : 10/09/2024, 02:31pm


Sold as: Seed

Sold by: kg

Phoenix CL
Rising Above.... Again and Again
A hybrid Clearfield dual-purpose Winter Canola Phoenix CL is the perfect fit for dual purpose growers looking to achieve high biomass and high grain yields.

- Proven and consistent performance
- Durability for grazing and for grain
- Blackleg Group B resistance
- Maturity suited to a wide sowing window

Winter Canola’s versatility is what puts it in a class of it’s own. Requiring vernalisation from cold weather before going to flower Phoenix CL can be planted from Spring through to Autumn to get multiple grazings before locking up for a seed crop.

We have seen Phoenix succeed in many different settings and has been proven again and again to be a successful addition to growers programs.

Treated with Ilevo & Poncho

Price is per kg in 20kg bags
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