Farm Tender

Hummer Tall Fescue with MaxP

$10.90 + GST ($11.99 Inc. GST)

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Quantity : 375 mt
Unit Price : $10.90 + GST  ($11.99 Inc. GST) - Price is mt
Status : For Sale
Location : Mount Compass, Adelaide & Mt.Lofty Ranges, SA
Category : Grain & Seed, Pasture Seed - Perenial Ryegrass
Listing Date : 08/02/2021, 10:54pm
Date Sold : 25/06/2024, 08:23am


Sold as: Grain

Sold by: Tonne

Hummer is a market-leading summer active tall fescue and has shown excellent persistence under tough conditions, maintaining density over time. Hummer has been bred for softer leaves, making grazing management easier than coarser type fescues. Hummer tall fescue with MaxP® endophyte is well suited for a wider range of Australian conditions compared to perennial ryegrass. It can tolerate heavy, wet and moderately saline soils, but also grows more for longer than ryegrass in hot conditions. Hummer is a flexible grass as it can be used in irrigated or dryland conditions.

Hummer can also be used in dairy, beef and sheep farming systems. It can be used in mixed pastures with Ecotain® environmental plantain, clovers or chicory.

MaxP® is a novel tall fescue endophyte that improves the ability of tall fescue pastures to handle pest attack and moisture stress.

Key features:

• Fine and palatable leaf encourages greater utilisation by stock
• Higher quality soft leaves
• High yields and autumn activity
• Deep rooted perennial providing excellent persistence
• Contains MaxP® endophyte

Sowing rate:
> 20-30 kg/ha alone
> 15-25 kg/ha with clovers and herbs

> 5-10 years

Best grazing practice:
> Rotational

> MaxP®


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