Farm Tender

42 Bag Commander Agriculture Feed Out Bin

$23,500.00 + GST ($25,850.00 Inc. GST)

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Condition: New

Make: Commander

Delivered on Farm within the next 6 weeks.

The Commander Agriculture feed-out bins are Australian Made and can be used for a variety of grain and feed handling tasks. The 6” foldable auger and the trail feed system makes these feed-out bins perfect for tasks including filling feeders with grain or pellets, trail feeding in the paddock or filling
combines with grain and fertiliser. Operator safety, practicality, and efficiency have all been considered in the design, ensuring a complete solution for your grain and feed handling tasks.

- Australian Made
- Hydraluic Drive 6" Auger
- Split Bin
- Optional Weight Scales

A complete solution for your grain and feed handling tasks

42 Bag Feed-Out Bin -
4.5 cubic meter capacity
3.55 tons of wheat
2.92 tons of barley

Standard Inclusions
6” Hydraulic drive manual fold
back auger
Sight Glasses
70mm ball hitch on 42 and 50 bag
15” Landcruiser wheels and tyres
Galvanised Construction
2.4m x 1.8m bin with ladder access
70/30 or 50/50 split bin with individual flow control
Heavy-duty trailer hubs & square axles
4-ton suspension on 42 and 50 bag
Trailer jack
Discharge chute for trail feeding
10hp engine
Electric actuated trail feed door
Heavy-duty roller rocker suspension
Brakes on front axle (electric on 42 & 50 bag)
Tail Lights
Roll Tarp

Optional Extras:
Weigh Scales
LED Work lights
Painted option
Hydraulic Auger Fold
Remote Control Auger - On/Off
Flexible discharge chute
Additive Box on Auger

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