Farm Tender

WANTED -- I am looking for a farm cottage to rent - Great Southern area

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Hello! I am seeking to rent a small dwelling, such as a farm cottage, in a quiet area out of town. We prefer nature as a neighbor, as we currently live on a 1000-acre farm and wake to the sound of birds singing. The new home would be for just myself and my dogs, (and 3 chickens). I currently work with the WA Dept. Health. I understand that farmers aren't always happy to have strange dogs on their farms, can I please reasure you that I am a responsible fur mum, and my furbabies are usually asleep inside when I am at work and then I keep a watch for them at all times when they are outside. They have been around sheep, I've lived on a farm for three years. I am a quiet person. I enjoy gardening or working on my computer in my down time. Or taking my furbabies for long walks. You wouldn't even notice we were there!! Thank you.
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