Latest Listings (Sold Page 162)
4 Deck Stock Trailer
Stock crate, 4 deck, lower deck can be changed for cattle. New wiring, floors, electric winch…
Trucks & Trailers, Livestock Trailer, Stock Crates and Bulk Bodies, McGrath
COWRA, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
Hay for sale
80 balansa/ryegrass squares $160 New season, stored outside need gone asap.
Faba Beans Warda’
Faba Beans Warda Approximately 25 tonnes
Gooloogong, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
575 white Suffolk 3-3.5 years old, joined to white suffolk rams @ 164%
575 white Suffolk 3-3.5 years old, joined to white suffolk rams @ 164% 80 to 100kgs 290 to…
Livestock, Sheep - Ewes, White Suffolk
Cowra, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
wheaten hay beardless 200 inc gst
200 bucks a ton inc gst beardless wheaten hay rolls shedded since being baled large amounts…
Jabuk, Murraylands, SA
Galvanised Pipe
40 Lenghts of 3/4 ID Galvanised pipe. @ $18 per Length 40 Lenghts of ! inch ID Galvanised…
Oaten Hay 8x4x3 Bales
Has been shedded since being baled has had some weather damage, Weigh bridge on site, Feed…
Jabuk, Murraylands, SA
Bromar Engineering Twin Bin Stock Feeder and Fertiliser Mixer
Good condition excess equipment not being used anymore Twin bin New jockey wheel Honda GX160…
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Feeding Equipment, Bromar
GUNNEDAH, North West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
Spinroll Calf Cradle
Good condition
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Handling Equipment, Spinroll
Beaudesert, Southeast Coast, QLD
Pasture Harrows
1800mm Pasture Harrows in good used condition, no longer required
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows
Silvan 3PL Sprayer
200 Litre sprayer in used condition
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Silvan
200mt Pasture/Clover Hay
Feed test available at request.
Clover Ryegrass Hay A3 grade
Clover Ryegrass Hay Excellent quality shedded
Hay & Fodder, Clover & Rye Hay
Kybybolite, Lower South East, SA
78mt Vetch/Rye Hay 580kg 8x4x3 Bales
Shedded and 20mm on it before raking..
Massey Ferguson 178 Tractor
Fully refurbished. 73Hp. Done 540 hours since rebuild. New starter motor, alternator, clutch…
Multi Bin Grouper 4.4m3
2.2m3 twin bins (4.4m3 total) 14hp Kohler electric start motor Wireless remote (start/stop)…
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Farm Pro
John Deere 468 Round Baler
Very good condition Ready to go New monitor Proximately 22,000 bales Two new belts
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Baler - Round, John Deere
Nannella, Northern Country, VIC
John Deere 6810 4WD Tractor
John Deere 6810 4WD 130 Hp 12900 hrs 1999 Model, New Mitas radial tyres fitted front and rear,…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, John Deere
Pinnacle, Central Coast-Whitsundays, QLD
4 Deck Stock Trailer
Stock crate, 4 deck, lower deck can be changed for cattle. New wiring, floors, electric winch…
Trucks & Trailers, Livestock Trailer, Stock Crates and Bulk Bodies, McGrath
Hay for sale
80 balansa/ryegrass squares $160 New season, stored outside need gone asap.
Faba Beans Warda’
Faba Beans Warda Approximately 25 tonnes
Gooloogong, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
575 white Suffolk 3-3.5 years old, joined to white suffolk rams @ 164%
575 white Suffolk 3-3.5 years old, joined to white suffolk rams @ 164% 80 to 100kgs 290 to…
wheaten hay beardless 200 inc gst
200 bucks a ton inc gst beardless wheaten hay rolls shedded since being baled large amounts…
Jabuk, Murraylands,SA
Galvanised Pipe
40 Lenghts of 3/4 ID Galvanised pipe. @ $18 per Length 40 Lenghts of ! inch ID Galvanised…
Oaten Hay 8x4x3 Bales
Has been shedded since being baled has had some weather damage, Weigh bridge on site, Feed…
Jabuk, Murraylands,SA
Bromar Engineering Twin Bin Stock Feeder and Fertiliser Mixer
Good condition excess equipment not being used anymore Twin bin New jockey wheel Honda GX160…
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Feeding Equipment, Bromar
GUNNEDAH, North West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
Spinroll Calf Cradle
Good condition
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Handling Equipment, Spinroll
Beaudesert, Southeast Coast,QLD
Pasture Harrows
1800mm Pasture Harrows in good used condition, no longer required
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows
Silvan 3PL Sprayer
200 Litre sprayer in used condition
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Silvan
200mt Pasture/Clover Hay
Feed test available at request.
Clover Ryegrass Hay A3 grade
Clover Ryegrass Hay Excellent quality shedded
Hay & Fodder, Clover & Rye Hay
Kybybolite, Lower South East,SA
78mt Vetch/Rye Hay 580kg 8x4x3 Bales
Shedded and 20mm on it before raking..
Massey Ferguson 178 Tractor
Fully refurbished. 73Hp. Done 540 hours since rebuild. New starter motor, alternator, clutch…
Multi Bin Grouper 4.4m3
2.2m3 twin bins (4.4m3 total) 14hp Kohler electric start motor Wireless remote (start/stop)…
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Farm Pro
John Deere 468 Round Baler
Very good condition Ready to go New monitor Proximately 22,000 bales Two new belts
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Baler - Round, John Deere
Nannella, Northern Country,VIC
John Deere 6810 4WD Tractor
John Deere 6810 4WD 130 Hp 12900 hrs 1999 Model, New Mitas radial tyres fitted front and rear,…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, John Deere
Pinnacle, Central Coast-Whitsundays,QLD