Latest Listings (Sold Page 163)
50 x Lucerne Hay 4x4 Rolls
Good for cattle or garden Mulch, Rain affected hay, Cattle would eat it, horses would not.
Peak Hill Air Rotate
In great condition, used primarily for foot pairing and crutching. Selling as no longer required…
Livestock Equipment, Sheep Handlers, Peak Hill
COLLECTOR, Southern Tablelands, NSW/ACT
Ren Mark Compost/Mulch Trailer Spreader
Side throw. Adaptable for fine/coarse material. 3 cu m capacity (interior 3m x 1.15 wide x…
Machinery & Equipment, Spreaders, Ren Mark
Bellthorpe, Southeast Coast, QLD
185mt Vetch Hay 635kg 8x4x3 Bales
2023 season, 290 bales, Some Bales have Milk Thistle, Paddock stacked, Tops not included,…
300 mt Bar 1 Barley
Ex Farm 23/24 Season. Planet variety Good clean sample Stored in silos under aeration Good…
Barley Straw
A nice even line of soft barley straw header tailings from 2022 harvest. Shedded until Nov…
Lely Lotus Stabilo Tedder
Hardly used and only two Seasons old.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, Lely
Foster, West & South Gippsland, VIC
250mt Vetch Hay 600-650kg 8x4x3 Bale
New season 23/24, 6 high stacked outside, Good colour, 400 bales, Ex farm.
Demo Macbro Power Matic Wool Press
Safety Bar model, 240 volt, 3Hp electric motor, One only, Very minor paint rubbed, Only pressed…
Livestock Equipment, Woolpresses, MacBro
Wendouree, South West, VIC
2016 New Holland MowMax 2 discbine Mower Conditioner
4m cut, This has only done about 600 ha. and has always been shedded, It couples to the tractor…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower Conditioner, New Holland
Tintinara, Upper South East, SA
21 point Cultivator (Yellow)
New tynes, new hyd ram on has done 50 hours work
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Discs & Other Tillage Equipment, All Makes
200mt Oaten Hay 8x4x3 Bales
22/23 season, Good colour, Good Cattle Feed, Seller to freight, Enquire for more info.
Minhamite, South West, VIC
Padman B4 Bay Outlets
New outlets still on pallets. Irrigation layout changed so surplus to requirements.
Machinery & Equipment, Irrigation Equipment, Padman
Cooma, Northern Country, VIC
Silvan 5000ltr boomspray
Used 5000ltr spray with 28m boom,pump needs a kit through it.
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Silvan
Wanalta, Northern Country, VIC
Vennings Grouper 8Tonne - 14 ft
Vennings Grouper 8 Tonne - 14 ft and stands. Yamaha motor. Good condition
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Vennings
Parkes Steel Roller Mill
Parkes Steel 20" Roller Mill PTO drive As new
Barley Hay 8x4x3 Bales
Stored in shed, Good access, Ex Farm.
2006 Expower Bentley Cummins Diesel Generator
63 KVA 1500 kg 400/230 V 2510x1080x1460 mm
Machinery & Equipment, Generators, Cummins
Sydney, Sydney Metropolitan, NSW/ACT
50 x Lucerne Hay 4x4 Rolls
Good for cattle or garden Mulch, Rain affected hay, Cattle would eat it, horses would not.
Peak Hill Air Rotate
In great condition, used primarily for foot pairing and crutching. Selling as no longer required…
Livestock Equipment, Sheep Handlers, Peak Hill
COLLECTOR, Southern Tablelands,NSW/ACT
Ren Mark Compost/Mulch Trailer Spreader
Side throw. Adaptable for fine/coarse material. 3 cu m capacity (interior 3m x 1.15 wide x…
Machinery & Equipment, Spreaders, Ren Mark
Bellthorpe, Southeast Coast,QLD
185mt Vetch Hay 635kg 8x4x3 Bales
2023 season, 290 bales, Some Bales have Milk Thistle, Paddock stacked, Tops not included,…
300 mt Bar 1 Barley
Ex Farm 23/24 Season. Planet variety Good clean sample Stored in silos under aeration Good…
Barley Straw
A nice even line of soft barley straw header tailings from 2022 harvest. Shedded until Nov…
Lely Lotus Stabilo Tedder
Hardly used and only two Seasons old.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, Lely
Foster, West & South Gippsland,VIC
250mt Vetch Hay 600-650kg 8x4x3 Bale
New season 23/24, 6 high stacked outside, Good colour, 400 bales, Ex farm.
Demo Macbro Power Matic Wool Press
Safety Bar model, 240 volt, 3Hp electric motor, One only, Very minor paint rubbed, Only pressed…
Livestock Equipment, Woolpresses, MacBro
Wendouree, South West,VIC
2016 New Holland MowMax 2 discbine Mower Conditioner
4m cut, This has only done about 600 ha. and has always been shedded, It couples to the tractor…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower Conditioner, New Holland
Tintinara, Upper South East,SA
21 point Cultivator (Yellow)
New tynes, new hyd ram on has done 50 hours work
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Discs & Other Tillage Equipment, All Makes
200mt Oaten Hay 8x4x3 Bales
22/23 season, Good colour, Good Cattle Feed, Seller to freight, Enquire for more info.
Minhamite, South West,VIC
Padman B4 Bay Outlets
New outlets still on pallets. Irrigation layout changed so surplus to requirements.
Machinery & Equipment, Irrigation Equipment, Padman
Cooma, Northern Country,VIC
Silvan 5000ltr boomspray
Used 5000ltr spray with 28m boom,pump needs a kit through it.
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Silvan
Wanalta, Northern Country,VIC
Vennings Grouper 8Tonne - 14 ft
Vennings Grouper 8 Tonne - 14 ft and stands. Yamaha motor. Good condition
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Vennings
Parkes Steel Roller Mill
Parkes Steel 20" Roller Mill PTO drive As new
Barley Hay 8x4x3 Bales
Stored in shed, Good access, Ex Farm.
2006 Expower Bentley Cummins Diesel Generator
63 KVA 1500 kg 400/230 V 2510x1080x1460 mm
Machinery & Equipment, Generators, Cummins
Sydney, Sydney Metropolitan,NSW/ACT