Latest Listings (Sold Page 174)
Sunbeam Shearing Plant
Sunbeam shearing plant. Old but has not done alot of work. Comes with down tube and set up…
Livestock Equipment, Shearing Equipment, Sunbeam
Wy Yung, East Gippsland, VIC
2023 Case IH 3016 Pick Up Front
15 Series II, 2 year warranty from Sept 2023, Only done 300 acres Canola this season, Surplus…
Machinery & Equipment, Header & Harvester Pick Up Fronts, CASE IH
Lely Single Spinner Fertilizer Spreader
New Lely single spinner fertiliser spreader. $1250.
Grainline 4 inch pencil auger
Grainline 4 inch pencil auger on wheels with electric motor in good working condition. Purchaser…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Grainline
2011 Holden Colorado 4WD Ute
175,000Kms. 3.0L Diesel. 4WD. Tray internal measurements 2.44Long x 1.770 Wide. Only 2 owners,…
Vehicles & Motorbikes, 4WD Utes, Holden
Bendigo, Northern Country, VIC
International 574 Tractor
Not currently working, Good for parts or project, 3PL, PTO, Near new from stub axle, $2000…
2012 FH13 540 Volvo Prime Mover
1, 156, 932 kms, Registered for multiple combination prime mover, Registered until August…
Trucks & Trailers, Prime Mover, Volvo
Cowra, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
13 mix sex 9 month old lambs
13 mix sex cross breed lambs (Border Leicester SAMs x Black Faced Suffolk) 9 month olds, yarded…
Livestock, Sheep - Lambs, Border Leicester
Cooma, Snowy Mountains, NSW/ACT
Yallara oat seed
Yallara oats, cleaned not dressed in bulka bags, ready to go
Chamberlain Combine
24 row Chamberlain combine converted to 19 row tynes with knife point for direct drilling…
65mt Bimbil Oats
20/21 season, Feed or Seed, Good clean sample
Unia 1200 Fertiliser Spreader
Twin Disc, Never used and brand new.
Australian Phalaris Seed
Price is per KG, Cleaned and ready to sow, Germination of 72-78% 250 KG's available
Grain & Seed, Pasture Seed - Phalaris
Bordertown, Upper South East, SA
Prickle chain bar, single chain
Built in 1996 to tow behind an airseeder. Single "V" fitted with Smale chain Currently set…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Prickle & Disc Chains
Annual Rye & Clover Hay
200 Bales 8x4x3
Hay & Fodder, Clover & Rye Hay
Kalangadoo, Lower South East, SA
Butler Field Peas, Kaspa type
Approximately 30 tonnes of cleaned peas are available. Would suit Feed as it has around 3%…
8 Ton Excavator Kubota
Kubota 2011 8 ton excavator - 4545 hrs Good condition , full service history , Includes Rubber…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Excavators, Kubota
Bibra Lake, Southeast Coastal, WA
Toyota Huski SDK9 Skid Steer Loader
4027 hrs Well maintained and meticulously serviced, Full service history available, machine…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Bobcat & Skid Steer, Toyota
Bibra Lake, South Coastal, WA
Sunbeam Shearing Plant
Sunbeam shearing plant. Old but has not done alot of work. Comes with down tube and set up…
Livestock Equipment, Shearing Equipment, Sunbeam
Wy Yung, East Gippsland,VIC
2023 Case IH 3016 Pick Up Front
15 Series II, 2 year warranty from Sept 2023, Only done 300 acres Canola this season, Surplus…
Machinery & Equipment, Header & Harvester Pick Up Fronts, CASE IH
Lely Single Spinner Fertilizer Spreader
New Lely single spinner fertiliser spreader. $1250.
Grainline 4 inch pencil auger
Grainline 4 inch pencil auger on wheels with electric motor in good working condition. Purchaser…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Grainline
2011 Holden Colorado 4WD Ute
175,000Kms. 3.0L Diesel. 4WD. Tray internal measurements 2.44Long x 1.770 Wide. Only 2 owners,…
Vehicles & Motorbikes, 4WD Utes, Holden
Bendigo, Northern Country,VIC
International 574 Tractor
Not currently working, Good for parts or project, 3PL, PTO, Near new from stub axle, $2000…
2012 FH13 540 Volvo Prime Mover
1, 156, 932 kms, Registered for multiple combination prime mover, Registered until August…
13 mix sex 9 month old lambs
13 mix sex cross breed lambs (Border Leicester SAMs x Black Faced Suffolk) 9 month olds, yarded…
Livestock, Sheep - Lambs, Border Leicester
Cooma, Snowy Mountains,NSW/ACT
Yallara oat seed
Yallara oats, cleaned not dressed in bulka bags, ready to go
Chamberlain Combine
24 row Chamberlain combine converted to 19 row tynes with knife point for direct drilling…
65mt Bimbil Oats
20/21 season, Feed or Seed, Good clean sample
Unia 1200 Fertiliser Spreader
Twin Disc, Never used and brand new.
Australian Phalaris Seed
Price is per KG, Cleaned and ready to sow, Germination of 72-78% 250 KG's available
Grain & Seed, Pasture Seed - Phalaris
Bordertown, Upper South East,SA
Prickle chain bar, single chain
Built in 1996 to tow behind an airseeder. Single "V" fitted with Smale chain Currently set…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Prickle & Disc Chains
Annual Rye & Clover Hay
200 Bales 8x4x3
Hay & Fodder, Clover & Rye Hay
Kalangadoo, Lower South East,SA
Butler Field Peas, Kaspa type
Approximately 30 tonnes of cleaned peas are available. Would suit Feed as it has around 3%…
8 Ton Excavator Kubota
Kubota 2011 8 ton excavator - 4545 hrs Good condition , full service history , Includes Rubber…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Excavators, Kubota
Bibra Lake, Southeast Coastal,WA
Toyota Huski SDK9 Skid Steer Loader
4027 hrs Well maintained and meticulously serviced, Full service history available, machine…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Bobcat & Skid Steer, Toyota
Bibra Lake, South Coastal,WA