Latest Listings (Sold Page 181)
Grape Destemmer Electric Stainless Steel Commercial Wine Making KITT Italy
Grape Destemmer Motor: KITT - Gambugliano Italy Type: 90/4 RPM: 1350 HP: 2 A: 9 Stainless…
Case Malbro Plough 18 Disc
Good tyres, Back lift ram needs a service, Good for doing fire breaks.
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Rippers & Ploughs, Case
Condobolin, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
John Deere 8450 Tractor
- 11874 hours - Serial number RW8450H00309 - Near new tyres 20.8-38 - Linkage - 1000rpm PTO…
1980 MF 80 combine
MF 80 combine, trash floats on 7 inch spacings. 24 run, small extended seed box, finger harrows.…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Massey Ferguson
Bison Roller
Hydraulic fold out Bison Roller Roller total width 9m 3 gangs of 3 m Travel width 3.5m
Machinery & Equipment, Rollers, Bison
Mount Gambier, Lower South East, SA
Vetch Hay Stacked and Capped
8x4x3 Bales weighing around 500 Kg's, No weather since being baled and had marginal rain…
2 Anglo Nubian Wethers
2 Anglo Nubian wethers looking for there new home. Been raised but mum, then weaned and been…
Livestock, Goats, Anglo Nubian
PEAK VIEW, Snowy Mountains, NSW/ACT
Delarue grain auger
26 foot by 9 inch grain auger. 13h.p Honda motor Runs well. Excellent tyres. Have upgraded…
1955 Ferguson TEA 20 Grey Tractor
Tractor is running but needs head gasket replacement, we have too many other projects on the…
7mt Winteroo Oat Seed
Professionally Cleaned Winteroo oat seed, Surplus to needs.
1996 International S Line Prime Mover with 1985 Muscat 32ft Aluminum Tipper
1996 International S Line Prime Mover with 1985 Muscat 32ft Aluminum Tipper In good condition.…
1928 McCormick Deering
1928 McCormick Deering. Was running a while ago. Comes with additional parts including mud…
Jack russell
Lovely dog, perfect companion. Unfortunately we have to sell her, she caught a chicken on…
GOONDIWINDI, Darling Downs & Granite Belt, QLD
110mt Feed Barley
110mt of Barley ex-farm for sale. Delivery available. $290 p/t + GST.
Lyco Post Driver
Lyco Post driver. Side tilt For/Aft tilt Fittings and mountings for augers but no augers with…
Machinery & Equipment, Post Drivers, Lyco
Gunbower, Northern Country, VIC
420mt Vetch Barley and Wheat Hay 600kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 season, Multi species hay, outside and uncapped and mostly cereal hay, Completely chemical…
2019 Gason Hydromax Air Seeder
12m, 21,000L 3 bin box, Scales on bins, 250mm spacings, In excellent condition, Can provide…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Gason
13,500L Flexicoil Air Seeder Bin - ONO
3450 Fexicoil double shoot 13500 ltr, monitor a frame, and all hydraulic and electrical looms…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Flexicoil
Grape Destemmer Electric Stainless Steel Commercial Wine Making KITT Italy
Grape Destemmer Motor: KITT - Gambugliano Italy Type: 90/4 RPM: 1350 HP: 2 A: 9 Stainless…
Case Malbro Plough 18 Disc
Good tyres, Back lift ram needs a service, Good for doing fire breaks.
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Rippers & Ploughs, Case
Condobolin, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
John Deere 8450 Tractor
- 11874 hours - Serial number RW8450H00309 - Near new tyres 20.8-38 - Linkage - 1000rpm PTO…
1980 MF 80 combine
MF 80 combine, trash floats on 7 inch spacings. 24 run, small extended seed box, finger harrows.…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Massey Ferguson
Bison Roller
Hydraulic fold out Bison Roller Roller total width 9m 3 gangs of 3 m Travel width 3.5m
Machinery & Equipment, Rollers, Bison
Mount Gambier, Lower South East,SA
Vetch Hay Stacked and Capped
8x4x3 Bales weighing around 500 Kg's, No weather since being baled and had marginal rain…
2 Anglo Nubian Wethers
2 Anglo Nubian wethers looking for there new home. Been raised but mum, then weaned and been…
Livestock, Goats, Anglo Nubian
PEAK VIEW, Snowy Mountains,NSW/ACT
Delarue grain auger
26 foot by 9 inch grain auger. 13h.p Honda motor Runs well. Excellent tyres. Have upgraded…
1955 Ferguson TEA 20 Grey Tractor
Tractor is running but needs head gasket replacement, we have too many other projects on the…
7mt Winteroo Oat Seed
Professionally Cleaned Winteroo oat seed, Surplus to needs.
1996 International S Line Prime Mover with 1985 Muscat 32ft Aluminum Tipper
1996 International S Line Prime Mover with 1985 Muscat 32ft Aluminum Tipper In good condition.…
1928 McCormick Deering
1928 McCormick Deering. Was running a while ago. Comes with additional parts including mud…
Jack russell
Lovely dog, perfect companion. Unfortunately we have to sell her, she caught a chicken on…
GOONDIWINDI, Darling Downs & Granite Belt,QLD
110mt Feed Barley
110mt of Barley ex-farm for sale. Delivery available. $290 p/t + GST.
Lyco Post Driver
Lyco Post driver. Side tilt For/Aft tilt Fittings and mountings for augers but no augers with…
Machinery & Equipment, Post Drivers, Lyco
Gunbower, Northern Country,VIC
420mt Vetch Barley and Wheat Hay 600kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 season, Multi species hay, outside and uncapped and mostly cereal hay, Completely chemical…
2019 Gason Hydromax Air Seeder
12m, 21,000L 3 bin box, Scales on bins, 250mm spacings, In excellent condition, Can provide…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Gason
13,500L Flexicoil Air Seeder Bin - ONO
3450 Fexicoil double shoot 13500 ltr, monitor a frame, and all hydraulic and electrical looms…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Flexicoil