Latest Listings (Sold Page 190)
600mt Oaten Hay 580kg 8x4x3 Bales - Top Bales Free
Feedback has been positive regarding what has been sold & fed out so far. Tops bales are about…
Jetstream Grouper
In working order, Water proof tarp, Always shedded when not in use, Hobbs hoist stands.
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Jetstream
Brookfield Prickle Chain
Used brookfield prickle chain 17cm diameter off D150 Forbes /Bogan gate area
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Prickle & Disc Chains, Brookfield
FORBES, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
Fertiliser Shifter
Homemade shifter. 9.7m (31’)long. Approx 300mm wide belt. Runs off tractor remotes or a power…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs
Westmere, South West, VIC
Feed Barley with Some Vetch Present
45m/t of Feed Barley with some Vetch Present
Diesel Storage Tanks
2 x 2200 litres each, 10 metre hose auto shut off nozzle, In line filter, Electric pump, Still…
Machinery & Equipment, Fuel Tanks & Trailers
Charlton , Northern Country, VIC
Connor Shea 8 Wheel Hay Rake
Always shedded, Very good condition.
1991 4 x4 Isuzu FSS Ex RFS Fire Truck
Isuzu FSS Ex RFS Fire Truck 4x4 VIN: JALFSS12FM3600005 GVM: 10000 GCM: 15000 Seats 3 Leaf…
Trucks & Trailers, Table Top Truck
California Gully, North Central, VIC
Slasher - Himac 6 ft Skid Steer EXS18-160ZM2 Extreme Duty Slasher
Slasher - Himac 6 ft Skid Steer EXS18-160ZM2 Extreme Duty Slasher Suit new buyer. Suitable…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower & Slasher, Hilmac
GLENSIDE, Lower South East, SA
Hardi 4228 Boomspray
Hardi 4228 Boomspray 28 meter folding boom Pto pump works lifts up and down Needs a little…
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Hardi
Young, South West Slopes, NSW/ACT
45ft Bourgault 8810 Airseeder
12 inch spacings, 9900 Air Cart, New finger harrows on back, Good used condition, Ready to…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Bourgault
Berkshire x Wessex pigs
24x piglets (4 weeks) 4x sow (1x4 years, 3x2 years) 1x boar (3 years old) Free range Preference…
Livestock, Pigs, Wessex Saddleback
Norton Economy Vet Cattle Crush
New Norton Economy Vet Cattle Crush Features & Benefits- Ratchet Style Head Bail Head Bail…
38mt Oaten and Vetch Hay 8x4x3
Shedded Hay clean out, Ex farm.
Hay & Fodder, Cereal & Vetch Hay
Terrappee, Northern Country, VIC
15ft Vennings Grouper Bin
Two bin, Reliable 13hp Honda, Remote control actuators, Hobbs hoist, Good working order, $9,000+gst,…
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Vennings
Beautiful healthy Maremma puppies
All round family dog We are delighted to welcome 9 beautiful healthy Pure-bred Maremma puppies…
WOODFORD, Southeast Coast, QLD
Forklift Bale Clamps Cascade
Forklift Bale Clamps Make: Cascade Australia Part Number: 1819003 Serial Number: AUS174878…
27mt BAR1 Barley
23/24 season, Sample results on request, Can deliver.
Condobolin , Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
50 mt Maxmis/Sparticus Feed Barly Mix
14 % protein Has dirt in the sample
600mt Oaten Hay 580kg 8x4x3 Bales - Top Bales Free
Feedback has been positive regarding what has been sold & fed out so far. Tops bales are about…
Jetstream Grouper
In working order, Water proof tarp, Always shedded when not in use, Hobbs hoist stands.
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Jetstream
Brookfield Prickle Chain
Used brookfield prickle chain 17cm diameter off D150 Forbes /Bogan gate area
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Prickle & Disc Chains, Brookfield
FORBES, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
Fertiliser Shifter
Homemade shifter. 9.7m (31’)long. Approx 300mm wide belt. Runs off tractor remotes or a power…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs
Westmere, South West,VIC
Feed Barley with Some Vetch Present
45m/t of Feed Barley with some Vetch Present
Diesel Storage Tanks
2 x 2200 litres each, 10 metre hose auto shut off nozzle, In line filter, Electric pump, Still…
Machinery & Equipment, Fuel Tanks & Trailers
Charlton , Northern Country,VIC
Connor Shea 8 Wheel Hay Rake
Always shedded, Very good condition.
1991 4 x4 Isuzu FSS Ex RFS Fire Truck
Isuzu FSS Ex RFS Fire Truck 4x4 VIN: JALFSS12FM3600005 GVM: 10000 GCM: 15000 Seats 3 Leaf…
Trucks & Trailers, Table Top Truck
California Gully, North Central,VIC
Slasher - Himac 6 ft Skid Steer EXS18-160ZM2 Extreme Duty Slasher
Slasher - Himac 6 ft Skid Steer EXS18-160ZM2 Extreme Duty Slasher Suit new buyer. Suitable…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower & Slasher, Hilmac
GLENSIDE, Lower South East,SA
Hardi 4228 Boomspray
Hardi 4228 Boomspray 28 meter folding boom Pto pump works lifts up and down Needs a little…
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Hardi
Young, South West Slopes,NSW/ACT
45ft Bourgault 8810 Airseeder
12 inch spacings, 9900 Air Cart, New finger harrows on back, Good used condition, Ready to…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Bourgault
Berkshire x Wessex pigs
24x piglets (4 weeks) 4x sow (1x4 years, 3x2 years) 1x boar (3 years old) Free range Preference…
Livestock, Pigs, Wessex Saddleback
Norton Economy Vet Cattle Crush
New Norton Economy Vet Cattle Crush Features & Benefits- Ratchet Style Head Bail Head Bail…
38mt Oaten and Vetch Hay 8x4x3
Shedded Hay clean out, Ex farm.
Hay & Fodder, Cereal & Vetch Hay
Terrappee, Northern Country,VIC
15ft Vennings Grouper Bin
Two bin, Reliable 13hp Honda, Remote control actuators, Hobbs hoist, Good working order, $9,000+gst,…
Machinery & Equipment, Groupers and Seed & Super Bins, Vennings
Beautiful healthy Maremma puppies
All round family dog We are delighted to welcome 9 beautiful healthy Pure-bred Maremma puppies…
WOODFORD, Southeast Coast,QLD
Forklift Bale Clamps Cascade
Forklift Bale Clamps Make: Cascade Australia Part Number: 1819003 Serial Number: AUS174878…
27mt BAR1 Barley
23/24 season, Sample results on request, Can deliver.
Condobolin , Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
50 mt Maxmis/Sparticus Feed Barly Mix
14 % protein Has dirt in the sample