Latest Listings (Sold Page 333)
Polyphaz 3 Phase Converter
Recently replaced Polyphaz converter taking single phase power and turning into 3 phase. Was…
Machinery & Equipment, Generators
Burakin, Central Wheat Belt, WA
2015 Toyota Landcruiser GXL 200 Wagon
370,000 Km Very good condition for age Trailer brakes
Brant 10 Inch x 70 FT Auger for Sale with a Swing away hopper attached
The Brant 1070 Auger is in very good condition it is about 10 years old and comes with a Swing…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Brandt
Purebred Australian Cattle Dog Puppies
Litter of 10 Purebred Australian Cattle Dogs. 4 pups left, available now. Puppies are available…
Livestock, Dogs, Australian Cattle Dog (Heeler)
GROSVENOR, Wide Bay & Burnett, QLD
1100mt Pasture Hay 550kg 8x4x3 Bales
Seller to freight.
3 x Boyd Steel Fertiliser Silos
3 x Boyd Steel 52m3 Fertiliser Storage Silos $3000 plus GST for all 3 silos Rust around lower…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Silos and Storage, Boyd
St Arnuad, North Central, VIC
John Deere Row Crop Wheels
Fair Tyres , 50 - 60% 380/85 R 28 Fronts 380/90 R 46 Rears Came off a John Deere 6330 that…
Machinery & Equipment, Tyres and Rims - Machinery
Bathurst, Central Tablelands, NSW/ACT
1066 International Tractor
1066 International tractor, 30-5-32 tyres, American cab, pto, dual remotes, after market 3…
Registered Shorthorn Bull
28 months old, Purchased only to mate surplus heifers this past season , Had no intention…
Livestock, Beef Cattle - Bulls, Shorthorn
Earlston, North Central, VIC
Bluestone Picture Blocks
Bulk load only 750 to 1000 blocks
Farm Supplies, Sand Soil and Gravel
Earlston, North Central, VIC
200mt Canola Silage
$260 + G per ton DM, Brocklesby area..
51ft Allfarm Bar with Harrows
51ft Allfarm Bar with Harrows
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Other
Mitsubishi Express 4WD Ute
1986 Mitsubishi Expess 4WD Diesel Excellent condition, well looked after Heavy duty tray New…
Pasture Harrow 3 point linkage lifting frame
Pasture Harrow with a 3 point linkage lifting frame. 2.250 mtr wide. Perfect for small to…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Points Accessories
Yea, North Central, VIC
2012 Freightliner CST 112 Tabletop Truck
803,000km, 450hp Detroit DD13 engine, 18 speed transmission, airbag suspension, bogie drive,…
Trucks & Trailers, Livestock Truck, Freightliner
Cargo, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
2012 Terex 100G Forestry Rubber Tracked Loader
2012 Terex 100G Forestry Rubber Tracked Loader. 4200 hours. Hi-Flow. Forestry protection.…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Bobcat & Skid Steer, Terex
Bairnsdale, East Gippsland, VIC
Feed beans, free delivery 100km Keith SA
Approx 16t samira beans suitable for stockfeed, a few splits and stones, otherwise would clean…
Polyphaz 3 Phase Converter
Recently replaced Polyphaz converter taking single phase power and turning into 3 phase. Was…
Machinery & Equipment, Generators
Burakin, Central Wheat Belt,WA
2015 Toyota Landcruiser GXL 200 Wagon
370,000 Km Very good condition for age Trailer brakes
Brant 10 Inch x 70 FT Auger for Sale with a Swing away hopper attached
The Brant 1070 Auger is in very good condition it is about 10 years old and comes with a Swing…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Brandt
Purebred Australian Cattle Dog Puppies
Litter of 10 Purebred Australian Cattle Dogs. 4 pups left, available now. Puppies are available…
Livestock, Dogs, Australian Cattle Dog (Heeler)
GROSVENOR, Wide Bay & Burnett,QLD
1100mt Pasture Hay 550kg 8x4x3 Bales
Seller to freight.
3 x Boyd Steel Fertiliser Silos
3 x Boyd Steel 52m3 Fertiliser Storage Silos $3000 plus GST for all 3 silos Rust around lower…
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Silos and Storage, Boyd
St Arnuad, North Central,VIC
John Deere Row Crop Wheels
Fair Tyres , 50 - 60% 380/85 R 28 Fronts 380/90 R 46 Rears Came off a John Deere 6330 that…
Machinery & Equipment, Tyres and Rims - Machinery
Bathurst, Central Tablelands,NSW/ACT
1066 International Tractor
1066 International tractor, 30-5-32 tyres, American cab, pto, dual remotes, after market 3…
Registered Shorthorn Bull
28 months old, Purchased only to mate surplus heifers this past season , Had no intention…
Livestock, Beef Cattle - Bulls, Shorthorn
Earlston, North Central,VIC
Bluestone Picture Blocks
Bulk load only 750 to 1000 blocks
Farm Supplies, Sand Soil and Gravel
Earlston, North Central,VIC
200mt Canola Silage
$260 + G per ton DM, Brocklesby area..
51ft Allfarm Bar with Harrows
51ft Allfarm Bar with Harrows
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Other
Mitsubishi Express 4WD Ute
1986 Mitsubishi Expess 4WD Diesel Excellent condition, well looked after Heavy duty tray New…
Pasture Harrow 3 point linkage lifting frame
Pasture Harrow with a 3 point linkage lifting frame. 2.250 mtr wide. Perfect for small to…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Points Accessories
Yea, North Central,VIC
2012 Freightliner CST 112 Tabletop Truck
803,000km, 450hp Detroit DD13 engine, 18 speed transmission, airbag suspension, bogie drive,…
2012 Terex 100G Forestry Rubber Tracked Loader
2012 Terex 100G Forestry Rubber Tracked Loader. 4200 hours. Hi-Flow. Forestry protection.…
Machinery & Equipment, Earthmoving - Bobcat & Skid Steer, Terex
Bairnsdale, East Gippsland,VIC
Feed beans, free delivery 100km Keith SA
Approx 16t samira beans suitable for stockfeed, a few splits and stones, otherwise would clean…