Latest Listings (Sold Page 388)
Hardi 3pl Sprayer
9m boom / 850L, Section controller, Double sided foams, Hose reel.
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Hardi
Tantanoola, Lower South East, SA
2000 Case IH 9350 Tractor
6660 hours, Always shedded, Just been serviced, Tyres in great condition.
29mt Popany Vetch Seed
Cleaned and Graded, This season 99% germ test, Bulk or Bulka bag, Price Per ton.
2018 Cold Room
2018 Cold Room. 4.9mtsL x 3mtsW x 2.4mts H. Two sliding doors. New cooling unit installed…
Vetch Hay 8x4x3 Bales (New Seasons)
Protein 19.4, ME 8.6, NDF 55.1, Stacked 6 high, Only selling middle bales, Price is ex farm.
Goldacres Sprayer Parts
Goldacres sprayer parts; 2 x new shock absorbers; Various other parts.
Chickpea Seed
Chickpea seed Kyabra Graded baged or bulk can deliver 100 Tonne available
Springsure, Central Highlands-Coalfields, QLD
John Deere 2630 screen
2630 screen SF2 activated has bubble in screen
Dunstan 60t Mother Bin
Dunstan mother bin 14 inch Auger Near new roll tarp Good Condition
Jetstream Super Spreader
In good condition, Chains and gear turn over but could do with a good soaking, Hydraulic Ram…
2009 Hamelex TOA Tipper B-Trailer
34 x 6ft All Aluminum, Registered, Good Condition.
52ft Leith Harrows
Hydraulic and extended ram to lift fully for swing around.
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Leith Engineering
Goldacres 2018 Trailing Sprayer
18m Boom new pump always shedded, up graded to bigger unit. Spare wheel
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Goldacres
2018 Bourgault 3720 Disc Seeder with Simplicity 4500 Cart
Model 3720301CD, 30ft / 10" Spacings, Excellent condition, Only done 5000 acres approx., Single…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Bourgault
2000 New Holland TM150 Tractor with FEL
8313 hrs, 145hp, Kefab FEL with Bucket & Hay Forks, Tyres 90%, Full Powershift, PTO and Linkage,…
12m Horwood Bagshaw Scaribar with 6000Ltr Cart
Cart is on a 60/40 Split, Agmaster press wheels, points and boots, 10" Spacings in good working…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Horwood Bagshaw
2017 Serafin Ultisow 6036 Pasture King Double Disc Seeder
On 6-inch spacing, 6 metre cut, Tatu row units, Gaston 1230 IM bins with small seeds box,…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Discs & Other Tillage Equipment, Serafin
Cavendish, South West, VIC
John Deere 7730 Tractor with 746 FEL
6865 hrs, 190hp, Loader comes with bucket and hay forks, Tractor has LED & HID lighting, IVT…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, John Deere
Cavendish, South West, VIC
Hardi 3pl Sprayer
9m boom / 850L, Section controller, Double sided foams, Hose reel.
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Hardi
Tantanoola, Lower South East,SA
2000 Case IH 9350 Tractor
6660 hours, Always shedded, Just been serviced, Tyres in great condition.
29mt Popany Vetch Seed
Cleaned and Graded, This season 99% germ test, Bulk or Bulka bag, Price Per ton.
2018 Cold Room
2018 Cold Room. 4.9mtsL x 3mtsW x 2.4mts H. Two sliding doors. New cooling unit installed…
Vetch Hay 8x4x3 Bales (New Seasons)
Protein 19.4, ME 8.6, NDF 55.1, Stacked 6 high, Only selling middle bales, Price is ex farm.
Goldacres Sprayer Parts
Goldacres sprayer parts; 2 x new shock absorbers; Various other parts.
Chickpea Seed
Chickpea seed Kyabra Graded baged or bulk can deliver 100 Tonne available
Springsure, Central Highlands-Coalfields,QLD
John Deere 2630 screen
2630 screen SF2 activated has bubble in screen
Dunstan 60t Mother Bin
Dunstan mother bin 14 inch Auger Near new roll tarp Good Condition
Jetstream Super Spreader
In good condition, Chains and gear turn over but could do with a good soaking, Hydraulic Ram…
2009 Hamelex TOA Tipper B-Trailer
34 x 6ft All Aluminum, Registered, Good Condition.
52ft Leith Harrows
Hydraulic and extended ram to lift fully for swing around.
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Leith Engineering
Goldacres 2018 Trailing Sprayer
18m Boom new pump always shedded, up graded to bigger unit. Spare wheel
Machinery & Equipment, Sprayer - Tow Behind & Mounted, Goldacres
2018 Bourgault 3720 Disc Seeder with Simplicity 4500 Cart
Model 3720301CD, 30ft / 10" Spacings, Excellent condition, Only done 5000 acres approx., Single…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Bourgault
2000 New Holland TM150 Tractor with FEL
8313 hrs, 145hp, Kefab FEL with Bucket & Hay Forks, Tyres 90%, Full Powershift, PTO and Linkage,…
12m Horwood Bagshaw Scaribar with 6000Ltr Cart
Cart is on a 60/40 Split, Agmaster press wheels, points and boots, 10" Spacings in good working…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Air Seeders, Horwood Bagshaw
2017 Serafin Ultisow 6036 Pasture King Double Disc Seeder
On 6-inch spacing, 6 metre cut, Tatu row units, Gaston 1230 IM bins with small seeds box,…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Discs & Other Tillage Equipment, Serafin
Cavendish, South West,VIC
John Deere 7730 Tractor with 746 FEL
6865 hrs, 190hp, Loader comes with bucket and hay forks, Tractor has LED & HID lighting, IVT…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, John Deere
Cavendish, South West,VIC