Latest Listings (Sold Page 62)
Barley Straw
Always shedded, but used at the front of the shed to protect export oaten hay.
Hay & Fodder, Straw - Barley Straw
Elmore, Northern Country, VIC
Hecton Sheep Handler
Great condition, Air operated, Turn over function, Air operated Backing gate, Makes drenching/crutching…
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Handling Equipment, Hecton
Thorpdale, West & South Gippsland, VIC
2005 Vawdrey Flat Top A-Trailer
12 pallet, Disc Brakes, 10 Stud, Not registered but is roadworthy, Rubber guards, Good condition.…
Trucks & Trailers, Truck Trailers, Vawdrey
Gulgong, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
2002 Barry Stoodley 36ft x 6ft Tipper Trailer
TOA, Air Bags, Roadworthy, Tarp less than 2yrs old, Good condition, Ready to work.
Trucks & Trailers, Tipper Trailer, Barry Stoodley
Gulgong, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
2009 Sterling LT9500 HX Prime Mover
637000 original kms. Detroit Series 60 14 litre (575 hp). Eaton Auto 18 speed transmission.…
2015 Ford Ranger PX2 Ute
172xxx kms, Pre DPF, ARB bullbar, ARB side rails and steps, ARB ascent canopy, Tradesman roof…
Perten IM880 Grain Protein and Moisture Meter
Portable NIR grain protein and moisture meter, whole grain analyser Touch screen, internal…
Massey Ferguson MF 5445 Tractor with FEL
New front diff, Perkins Motor, Dyna 4 transmission, Rear tyres 80 %, Front tyres 10 %, 90hp.…
TK Bedford Truck
Good honest farm truck. straight six cylinder petrol engine. Lazy axle. Two speed diff. In…
Trucks & Trailers, Farm Trucks, Bedford
Gunnedah, North West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
2018 Sitrex Pro17 Hay Rake
2018 Sitrex Pro17 Hay Rake. Good working order. Wheels and fingers good condition. Tyres good…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, Sitrex
Kyabram, Northern Country, VIC
Advantage Sheep Feeder
3800 Heavy Duty Advantage Sheep Feeder in good condition
Horwood Bagshaw 15 Section Harrows
Harrows are 90%, 4 x Brand New Tyres, 2 lift rams have been re sealed with 2 Brand new Fold…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Horwood Bagshaw
Te Pari Cordless Drench Gun
Brand New, No longer required.
2015 Duncan Eco Seeder (18 run)
2015 Duncan Eco Seeder (18 run) Good Condition - Minimal work since new. Paintwork little…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Duncan
KERANG, Northern Country, VIC
43mt Lucerne Hay 600kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 season, 4th cut, Fine stem, Bleached after rain, Still good quality, 72 bales, Shedded…
1996 Massey Ferguson 8110 Tractor
6690 hours, 135 hp, sold new, one owner, good tyres, dual remotes, dyna shift, had hilo range…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, Massey Ferguson
Cowra, South West Slopes, NSW/ACT
2 x Beef Cattle
600-700kg, Brought as calves 5yrs ago, No longer required, $1300 + G each
80t Vennings Motherbin
Holds 80t of wheat, Steel Lids, New drive belts.
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Mother Bins, Vennings
Condobolin , Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
200mt Lucerne Hay 580-610kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 Season, Shedded straight away, Irrigated, 350 bales to Avg 580-610kg/bale, Freight available…
Billimari, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
Barley Straw
Always shedded, but used at the front of the shed to protect export oaten hay.
Hay & Fodder, Straw - Barley Straw
Elmore, Northern Country,VIC
Hecton Sheep Handler
Great condition, Air operated, Turn over function, Air operated Backing gate, Makes drenching/crutching…
Livestock Equipment, Livestock Handling Equipment, Hecton
Thorpdale, West & South Gippsland,VIC
2005 Vawdrey Flat Top A-Trailer
12 pallet, Disc Brakes, 10 Stud, Not registered but is roadworthy, Rubber guards, Good condition.…
Trucks & Trailers, Truck Trailers, Vawdrey
Gulgong, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
2002 Barry Stoodley 36ft x 6ft Tipper Trailer
TOA, Air Bags, Roadworthy, Tarp less than 2yrs old, Good condition, Ready to work.
Trucks & Trailers, Tipper Trailer, Barry Stoodley
Gulgong, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
2009 Sterling LT9500 HX Prime Mover
637000 original kms. Detroit Series 60 14 litre (575 hp). Eaton Auto 18 speed transmission.…
2015 Ford Ranger PX2 Ute
172xxx kms, Pre DPF, ARB bullbar, ARB side rails and steps, ARB ascent canopy, Tradesman roof…
Perten IM880 Grain Protein and Moisture Meter
Portable NIR grain protein and moisture meter, whole grain analyser Touch screen, internal…
Massey Ferguson MF 5445 Tractor with FEL
New front diff, Perkins Motor, Dyna 4 transmission, Rear tyres 80 %, Front tyres 10 %, 90hp.…
TK Bedford Truck
Good honest farm truck. straight six cylinder petrol engine. Lazy axle. Two speed diff. In…
Trucks & Trailers, Farm Trucks, Bedford
Gunnedah, North West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
2018 Sitrex Pro17 Hay Rake
2018 Sitrex Pro17 Hay Rake. Good working order. Wheels and fingers good condition. Tyres good…
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, Sitrex
Kyabram, Northern Country,VIC
Advantage Sheep Feeder
3800 Heavy Duty Advantage Sheep Feeder in good condition
Horwood Bagshaw 15 Section Harrows
Harrows are 90%, 4 x Brand New Tyres, 2 lift rams have been re sealed with 2 Brand new Fold…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Power Harrows, Horwood Bagshaw
Te Pari Cordless Drench Gun
Brand New, No longer required.
2015 Duncan Eco Seeder (18 run)
2015 Duncan Eco Seeder (18 run) Good Condition - Minimal work since new. Paintwork little…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Duncan
KERANG, Northern Country,VIC
43mt Lucerne Hay 600kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 season, 4th cut, Fine stem, Bleached after rain, Still good quality, 72 bales, Shedded…
1996 Massey Ferguson 8110 Tractor
6690 hours, 135 hp, sold new, one owner, good tyres, dual remotes, dyna shift, had hilo range…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, Massey Ferguson
Cowra, South West Slopes,NSW/ACT
2 x Beef Cattle
600-700kg, Brought as calves 5yrs ago, No longer required, $1300 + G each
80t Vennings Motherbin
Holds 80t of wheat, Steel Lids, New drive belts.
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Mother Bins, Vennings
Condobolin , Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT
200mt Lucerne Hay 580-610kg 8x4x3 Bales
23/24 Season, Shedded straight away, Irrigated, 350 bales to Avg 580-610kg/bale, Freight available…
Billimari, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT