Latest Listings (Sold Page 92)
Case IH 1680 Header with 30' Front
Original 3394 engine hrs, Separator & mud hog hrs as per photos. Bought in 2006 and not used…
2017 New Holland Workmaster 40 Tractor Loader
2017 new holland workmaster 40 Challenge loader 4 in 1 bucket hay forks 550 hours 3 cylinder…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, New Holland
Young , South West Slopes, NSW/ACT
25mt Vetch Hay 8x4x3 Bales
43 Bales, Bottom of stack bales that have moisture damage on the bottom 10cm.
25000kg Cowpea Seed
Harvested 2024, 25 ton available, Screen graded in July, Colour graded in August, GERM AND…
2020 Semeato Double Disc Seeder
TDNG 300e 3.0m working width 15” & 16” Double Disc Openers 15, 25 & 40mm limiters…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Semeato
Agrodrill AD230 Seed Drill
3m sowing width, Fitted with double sprung RFM tynes and bolt on points, Set at 9" spacings…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Agrowdrill
Kyneton, North Central, VIC
2013 Welling & Crossley, Model LLT15-3BPG, Diesel Lister TR2 Eng, 15KVA, Single or 3 Phase
GENERATOR - Welling & Crossley (Marked price minus GST Or Near Offer) - Model LLT15-3BPG -…
250mt Oaten Clover Rye Hay 550-600kg 8x4x3 Bales
Cut late due to seasonal conditions, Feed test available, Located Avoca, Victoria.
Hay & Fodder, Cereal & Clover Hay
Avoca, North Central, VIC
K-Line 14 Wheel V Rake
Rake is almost new. It has only raked 150 acres. Hydraulic lift. PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE.…
Forestry AHWI FM600 Profi Mulcher
Forestry Mulcher; This AHWI FM600 Profi Mulcher Has Just Been Fitted With A New Set Of Blacktip…
Machinery & Equipment, Forestry Equipment, AHWI
Tooma, Snowy Mountains, NSW/ACT
K-Line ST-Rake
9 aside V rake, Hydraulic lift and fold with rear steer, In good condition.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, K-Line
Culburra, Upper South East, SA
Farm hay trailer
40ft bogey flat top trailer. Single axle dolly. Used behind tractor to cart hay on farm. No…
Pencil Auger
4" x 15' Sherwell Pencil Auger with 1.5 Kw Electric Motor Flight in great condition
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Sherwell
Vermeer RC 7120 Mower Conditioner
8ft cut, rotor disc cutters, In good condition, stored in a shed.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower Conditioner, Vermeer
Amphitheatre, North Central, VIC
9MT Cereal Hay 8X4X3 Large Square Bales
22/23 Season. Large square bales. No feed test.
15MT Vetch Hay 8X4X3 Large Square Bales
22/23 Season. Large squares. No feed test.
2022 Kramer KT407 Telehandler
Genuine low 500 hours and took delivery December 2022, 4 tonne lift, 7 metre boom, Kramer…
Machinery & Equipment, Telehandlers and Loaders, Kramer
Longford, Central North, TAS
John Deere 930 F 30ft Flex Front on Trailer
Used as a spare, so it has had limited use. Hydraulic couplings to suit all modern Headers…
Machinery & Equipment, Header & Harvester Draper or Open Fronts, John Deere
Fiat 605 Super Crawler Tractor
Crawler Tractor Used to renovate hilly country, Finished job perfectly, Now ready for someone…
space cab ute tray
Space cab Ute tray
Machinery & Equipment, Parts and Accessories
Burroway, Central West Slopes & Plains, NSW/ACT
Case IH 1680 Header with 30' Front
Original 3394 engine hrs, Separator & mud hog hrs as per photos. Bought in 2006 and not used…
2017 New Holland Workmaster 40 Tractor Loader
2017 new holland workmaster 40 Challenge loader 4 in 1 bucket hay forks 550 hours 3 cylinder…
Machinery & Equipment, Tractors, New Holland
Young , South West Slopes,NSW/ACT
25mt Vetch Hay 8x4x3 Bales
43 Bales, Bottom of stack bales that have moisture damage on the bottom 10cm.
25000kg Cowpea Seed
Harvested 2024, 25 ton available, Screen graded in July, Colour graded in August, GERM AND…
2020 Semeato Double Disc Seeder
TDNG 300e 3.0m working width 15” & 16” Double Disc Openers 15, 25 & 40mm limiters…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Semeato
Agrodrill AD230 Seed Drill
3m sowing width, Fitted with double sprung RFM tynes and bolt on points, Set at 9" spacings…
Machinery & Equipment, Tillage & Seeding - Drills & Combines, Agrowdrill
Kyneton, North Central,VIC
2013 Welling & Crossley, Model LLT15-3BPG, Diesel Lister TR2 Eng, 15KVA, Single or 3 Phase
GENERATOR - Welling & Crossley (Marked price minus GST Or Near Offer) - Model LLT15-3BPG -…
250mt Oaten Clover Rye Hay 550-600kg 8x4x3 Bales
Cut late due to seasonal conditions, Feed test available, Located Avoca, Victoria.
Hay & Fodder, Cereal & Clover Hay
Avoca, North Central,VIC
K-Line 14 Wheel V Rake
Rake is almost new. It has only raked 150 acres. Hydraulic lift. PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE.…
Forestry AHWI FM600 Profi Mulcher
Forestry Mulcher; This AHWI FM600 Profi Mulcher Has Just Been Fitted With A New Set Of Blacktip…
Machinery & Equipment, Forestry Equipment, AHWI
Tooma, Snowy Mountains,NSW/ACT
K-Line ST-Rake
9 aside V rake, Hydraulic lift and fold with rear steer, In good condition.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Rake, K-Line
Culburra, Upper South East,SA
Farm hay trailer
40ft bogey flat top trailer. Single axle dolly. Used behind tractor to cart hay on farm. No…
Pencil Auger
4" x 15' Sherwell Pencil Auger with 1.5 Kw Electric Motor Flight in great condition
Machinery & Equipment, Grain Augers, Shifters & Vacs, Sherwell
Vermeer RC 7120 Mower Conditioner
8ft cut, rotor disc cutters, In good condition, stored in a shed.
Machinery & Equipment, Hay Mower Conditioner, Vermeer
Amphitheatre, North Central,VIC
9MT Cereal Hay 8X4X3 Large Square Bales
22/23 Season. Large square bales. No feed test.
15MT Vetch Hay 8X4X3 Large Square Bales
22/23 Season. Large squares. No feed test.
2022 Kramer KT407 Telehandler
Genuine low 500 hours and took delivery December 2022, 4 tonne lift, 7 metre boom, Kramer…
Machinery & Equipment, Telehandlers and Loaders, Kramer
Longford, Central North,TAS
John Deere 930 F 30ft Flex Front on Trailer
Used as a spare, so it has had limited use. Hydraulic couplings to suit all modern Headers…
Machinery & Equipment, Header & Harvester Draper or Open Fronts, John Deere
Fiat 605 Super Crawler Tractor
Crawler Tractor Used to renovate hilly country, Finished job perfectly, Now ready for someone…
space cab ute tray
Space cab Ute tray
Machinery & Equipment, Parts and Accessories
Burroway, Central West Slopes & Plains,NSW/ACT