Farm Tender

10,000 new season Lambs at Bendigo

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Yarding - 21,319 (-871).

Lambs - 12,836 (+251).

Sheep - 8,434 (-1122).

Lamb supply increased again this week with 12,836 yarded including around 10,000 new season young lambs. The old lamb numbers continue to decline as supplies run low. The quality ranged from average to very good, with some excellent runs of heavy young lambs yarded. Lambs generally sold around last weeks levels for the better quality, with plainer types easing a few dollars. The regular buying group attended, with most operating keenly, and the best of the young lambs selling from $220 to $240/head. The old lamb run saw the market ease a few dollars as they sold from $164 to $200/head for the medium and heavy trade weights, with the heavy and extra heavy weights selling to $236/head. Merino lambs sold to $185/head to be a few dollars dearer at times. Restockers from local areas, Ballarat and Horsham were active on suitable lambs and paid from $129.50 to $172, and from $96 to $127/head for lighter lots.

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New season young lambs, light weight 2 and 3 score 12kg to 18kg, sold from $118 to $148/head. Light trade 2 and 3 scores, 18kg to 22kg,sold from $149 to $188/head and averaged around 805c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight 3 and 4 score 22kg to 24kg lambs sold from $185 to $210/head and ranged from 790c to 865c to average around 830c/kg cwt. Heavy 3 and 4 score trade weights 24kg to 26kg sold from $210 to$220/head and averaged around 840c/kg cwt. The heavy weights sold from $220 to $240/head.

In the old lamb run, medium and heavy trade weights sold from $164 to $200, heavy weights sold from $196 to $230 and the extra heavyweights sold from $223 to $236/head. A price range of 650c to 755c/kg cwt covered most of the old lamb run. Heavy crossbred hoggets sold to $182 and the Merino's sold to $158/head.

The sheep yarding of 8,483 included many drafts of heavy Merino and crossbred sheep, presenting in top condition. The usual buying group attended but not all operated in a slightly easier market with the Merino sheep easing to $10/head at times. The heavy crossbred sheep also eased at times. Light weight 2 score sheep sold from $84 to $102/head and averaged around 500c/kg cwt. Medium weight sheep, 2 and 3score, sold from $88 to $150/head and ranged from 435c to 590c, with the Merino mutton averaging around 540c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $130 to $177, heavy Merino wethers sold from $134 to $180, and the medium weights sold from $103 to $133/head, the heavyMerino sheep ranged from 535c to 550c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbred sheep sold from $125 to $178/head to average around 500c/kg cwt. Rams of all weights sold from $15 to $130/head.

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