18,000 new season Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Sep 03, 2021
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Yarding - 49,500 (-2000)
Lambs - 41,000 (0)
Sheep - 8500 (-2000)
Numbers decreased however new season lamb numbers lifted to 18,190. Quality across new season heavy export and trade weight categories was excellent, along with a very good selection of well-bred store lambs. Old trade and heavy export lamb quality slipped with more off-types penned. Not all buyers were in attendance with a major northern exporter currently not in operation.
New season lamb prices eased $5 to $11/head. Lambs weighing 22 to 24kg sold from $190 to $255/head to average 978c/kg cwt. Extra heavy young lambs sold from $259 to $294/head averaging 936c/kg cwt. There was an excellent selection of well-bred young lambs suitable for restockers and feedlots. Ballarat restockers dominated the market, paying to a top price of $214/head.
Old trade lambs sold to erratic trends, quality related. Lambs weighing 22 to 24kg slipped $24/head to average 924c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold from $24 to $26/head cheaper with competition very patchy at times throughout the sale. Trade weight 21 to 24kg lambs sold from $166 to $220/head.
A smaller field of export buyers were in attendance and domestic buyer competition was spasmodic. Heavy 24 to 26kg lambs sold $28/head cheaper to average 926c/kg cwt. Lambs weighing 26 to 30kg slipped $33, selling from $228 to $288/head. Extra heavy lambs estimated to weigh more than 30kg cwt struggled to attract all buyers resulting in a cheaper trend of $48/head to average 893c/kg cwt.
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