26 Grain groups to benefit from GrainGrowers sponsorships
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Cattle News
- Feb 19, 2018
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GrainGrowers, announces the 26 grain farming systems groups that will receive sponsorship support under GrainGrowers’ Partnership Opportunity program.
GrainGrowers Regional Coordinator David Evans said that for many years GrainGrowers had been a strong supporter of Farming Systems Groups which focused on exploring ways to enhance the profitability, sustainability and efficiency of the grower members in their regions.
“Our support is for grower-driven groups rolling out local research and trial work including farm crop trials, new digital technology applications, crop walks, field days, conferences to share research findings, and machinery trials,” said Mr Evans.
“Farming systems groups are every year producing some amazing results in research trials and extension across the diverse grain growing regions across Australia. Most importantly, these groups are led by farmers and for farmers.
"Our support of these groups is backed by a report released by the Grower Group Alliance (WA) in September last year which concluded that the main motivating factor for farmers maintaining membership of their local grower group is their need to access locally relevant research to address production constraints. FSGs are strongly valued by farmers as being highly relevant to their farm decision-making. (Page 7.)
“GrainGrowers is proud to have the opportunity to assist these groups to meet their goals in accordance with our vision to develop and promote a more efficient, sustainable and profitable grains industry for all Australian grain farmers.
“Supporting Farming Systems Groups is an important part of achieving our vision and we welcome the chance to be involved.”
GrainGrowers will assist the following farming systems groups in 2018:
Western Australia:
Corrigin Farm Improvement Group, Corrigin, WA (http://www.cfig.corrigin.com.au/ )
Far East Ag Research Group, Moorine Rock, WA (http://gga.org.au/group/far-east-ag-research-fear-group/ )
Moora-Miling Pasture Improvement Group, Moora, WA (http://www.mmpig.org.au/ )
Ravensthorpe Agriculture Initiative Network, Ravensthorpe WA (http://www.rain.org.au/ )
South East Premium Wheat Growers Association, Esperance, WA (http://www.sepwa.org.au/ )
West Midlands Group, Dandaragan, WA (http://www.wmgroup.org.au/ )
Liebe Group, Dalwallinu, WA ( http://liebegroup.org.au/)
Northern Agri Group, Geraldton WA (http://gga.org.au/group/northern-agri-group/)
South Australia:
Hart Field Site Group, Clare, SA (http://www.hartfieldsite.org.au/ )
Lowbank & Districts Ag Bureau, Lowbank, SA
Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group, Buckleboo, SA (https://www.facebook.com/BFIGSA/ )
Mid North High Rainfall Zone, Riverton, SA (http://midnorthhighrainfall.org.au/ )
Northern Sustainable Soils, Northern Yorke Peninsula, SA (https://agex.org.au/groups/northern-sustainable-soils/ )
SANTFA, Berri, SA (https://www.santfa.com.au/ )
Upper North Farming Systems, Jamestown, SA (http://unfs.com.au/ )
YP Alkaline Soils Group (http://alkalinesoils.com.au/)
MacKillop Farm Management Group, Keith, SA (http://www.mackillopgroup.com.au/ )
Birchip Cropping Group, Birchip, Victoria (www.bcg.org.au/ )
Mallee Sustainable Farming, Irymple, Vic. (http://www.msfp.org.au/ )
Southern Farming Systems, Inverleigh, Vic. (http://www.sfs.org.au/)
Southern Australia Durum Growers Association (http://durumgrowerssa.org.au/)
Central West Farming Systems, Condoblin, NSW (http://cwfs.org.au/ )
FarmLink Research Limited, Temora, NSW (http://www.farmlink.com.au/ )
Riverine Plains, Mulwala, NSW (https://riverineplains.org.au/ )
Mungindi Cropping Group, Mungindi, Qld (AgTeCH18 - https://twitter.com/AgTeCH18)
In addition, GrainGrowers will continue to sponsor Stirlings to Coast Farmers, Albany, WA (http://scfarmers.org.au) under an existing agreement.
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