Farm Tender

A solution to an emerging problem

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By Dwain Duxson - An Ag Enthusiast

A solution to an emerging problem - To solve problems, sometimes you have to do things a little differently. Work out a way to best find a solution. Yesterday, we did something to try and solve what looks like a looming problem. See below


The Problem - With it being a dry Cropping and Pasture year for many and then the Frost, it means many Farmers won’t be able to Harvest good quality Seed. Those who usually are self-sufficient in Seed may need to find some from elsewhere for next season.

The Farmers Club - For Ag Enthusiasts. Join The Farmers Club here.


The solution - We have started a Seed buyers Registry for those looking for all types of Seeds. We will add you to the list, and using our network, we could possibly match you up with those who have Seed quality Seeds. I’d call it more of a partial solution, as we are not going to satisfy everyone.


How to apply - Go to this listing here. Head to the comment box and record the following: 1) Type of Seed. 2) Variety. 3) Roughly how many tonnes or kgs? It could be for either Grain, Pulses, Legumes, Oil Seeds, etc, or any types of Pasture Seed. Whatever you are looking for.


And if I have Seed quality Seed? - Simply list it on our website or contact one of our people, and we can connect you with those in need. Having us in the middle will make the process easy and seamless. Reply to


End of message.