Farm Tender

AACo appoint Hugh Killen as new CEO

The Board of Australian Agricultural Company [ASX:AAC] (“AACo”) today announced the appointment of Mr Hugh Killen as its Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. The appointment will take effect on 1 February 2018.

Hugh has extensive experience in Australia and abroad and most recently was the Head of Fixed Income, Currency and commodities for Westpac Banking Corporation.

Chairman Donald McGauchie said “Having run an international and domestic executive search process and having had the benefit of interacting directly with Hugh in recent months, we have no doubt that we have the right person to be our Chief Executive Officer.

“Clearly an experienced managing director, we have been particularly impressed by Hugh’s commercial skills and the speed with which he has got across our business, its strategy and future path. He was the best executive that we engaged through our search process and we’re confident in his ability to drive company strategy to achieve the best commercial outcome for AACo. His background as a pastoralist and having spent his formative years in the agricultural sector has made his transition from the finance industry seamless.”

Hugh Killen said “It is an honour to be appointed the Chief Executive Officer of AACo. I have always had enormous interest in and respect for the Company; being able to combine my commercial skills with my passion for the business is a terrific opportunity and challenge.”

Biographical information
For the last 15 years, Hugh has been running large, complex and globally dispersed businesses. Most recently he has been leading Westpac’s Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities business being directly accountable for designing and executing strategy, significant P&L responsibility and managing teams in 6 countries. As a senior executive Hugh has exposure to driving business model and cultural transformation and leading significant technology programs moving business models into highly efficient digital enabled businesses. As Head of Westpac Banking Corporation’s North American business during the GFC, Hugh built on his already extensive skills and networks. He has represented the Australian banking industry and Westpac on numerous Committees and Boards with extensive experience interfacing with Commercial Advisory Boards, Boards and Committees.

Hugh has lived and worked in Sydney, London and New York, is an alumnus of The King’s School, Sydney Australia and Harvard Business School, Cambridge MA. He is married to Andrea and has two children Will and Tess.  

Picture - Hugh Killen