Farm Tender

Acceptable day at Bendigo

Yarding - 33,284

Notable increase in numbers to a yarding of more than 33,000 head, made of up 19,534 lambs and 13,750 sheep. Quality was very good in the lead runs of young lambs, while there was a stand-out line of extra heavy old season Dorper lambs sent down from the Riverina which topped the sale at $286/head. Price trends were firm to dearer across good quality processing lambs with weight and finish, while some of the lamb selling back to the paddock were also stronger. The tough spot of the sale was heavy mutton with prices $20 cheaper and no sheep sold above $100/head despite plenty of weight in some of the Merino wethers and crossbred ewes. Light and trade sheep varied from firm to $10 softer as prices for sheep became compressed between $50 to $90/head for most regardless of weight.

New season lambs dominated and any lambs showing freshness and hard carcass finish continued to be well supported by processors. A limited selection of extra heavy young lambs above 30kg cwt sold from $246 to a top of $266/head. Most of the lead drafts of crossbred young lambs were in the 26-30kg cwt range and sold from $208 to $255/head, consistently in the 800c to 840c/kg range with odd sales suiting supermarket orders higher. Once under 24kg cwt were there was more supply prices did show more variance around breed quality and finish, the best pens over 800c/kg but the slightly off types 760c to 800c/kg cwt. It showed up in the spread of $160 to $206/head for young lambs in the 22-24kg cwt range. Specialist finishers from Ballarat paid to $195 for trade lambs to shear, while the better store lambs with frame around 18-20kg cwt sold from $138 to $160. Small lambs to the paddock $75 to $130 in a stronger overall result. Orders were from Birchip, Wycheproof, Swan Hill, Echuca and local Bendigo area. Some immature Merino lambs sold at $40 to $52/head.

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Any old season lambs showing reasonable weight and condition were dearer. There was a big line of very good Dorpers which sold from $250 to a top of $286 for a pen in excess of 34kg cwt.

Competition for heavy mutton was dull with only a couple of exporters bidding and wanting to purchase at cheaper rates. Heaviest ewes and wethers $85 to $95/head. But then bidding hung-on reasonably well for the trade and light sheep at $50 to $80 for most. It meant the heaviest mutton was costing processors 230c to 270c/kg cwt but with the best trade and light lines still over 300c/kg cwt.