Ag Tech Sunday - Podcast, building an Ag marketplace on the internet
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Company News
- Sep 12, 2020
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By Jack Creswell - Farm Advice
Listen to the podcast here
On this week’s Farms Advice Podcast we speak with Dwain Duxson who is working hard within Australian agriculture so it’s excellent to have him on as a podcast guest. He is the founder of FarmTender and DelayPay. He really likes communicating with people and particular farmers. With his family livestock stud, he saw that he was limited to the number of clients and prospects. He wanted to reach further and provide value for more than what his livestock stud could cope with and leaned towards the internet of things in the early stages.
He has been running the companies completely remote, even before the COVID pandemic, he saw the benefits of letting his employees work remotely when and where possible.
It’s fantastic to see another “farmpreneur” in the space of the internet and using it to the best of their advantage. With the internet, the main tool for Dwain and his team is making the most of the opportunities and shifting towards where the market is currently. It was excellent to have Dwain on the podcast and hear what he is up to and what drives him. The outcomes are what drives him each day!
“Build a database, and communicate with it” – Dwain Duxson
FarmTender the online marketplace for agriculture
FarmTender is an online market place for Australia agriculture that reaches all regions of Australia with 47,434 members at the time of the podcast. They’re raking in 1,000 new users each month which is amazing to see in the agriculture industry.
DelayPay changing how farmers can access cash
With DelayPay you can buy the agricultural goods you need when you need them, and have up to six months to pay them off. A four-step process for your agribusiness, access cash within 48 hours.
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