Farm Tender

An Agribusiness opportunity

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By Dwain Duxson

An Agribusiness opportunity - This is what a Farmer wrote on X (used to be Twitter) yesterday, "Is there a modern business training package or slogan that stipulates "ringing/emailing your customer back is not needed - even though you said you would"


This seems to be a bit of a growing trend in Agriculture, and we have written about it before. Another Farmer said this to me a few months ago, "You might have someone that's just average at their job, but all of a sudden, they become exceptional if they answer the phone or return calls or emails".


In the Twitter reply to the Farmers observation, a Machinery Dealer wrote this, "That's really great to hear you say that, from a Machinery Business owners perspective, I'll be using your Tweet at our sales meeting today. The last 3 years have been way too easy as we have been order takers, not customer-focused. Times are changing, though". That is an interesting statement from the Dealer. From being an order taker, and then flicking the switch, and suddenly focusing on the customer, I mean, why weren't they doing that and taking orders?


I know we all make mistakes, and we all miss things. I will put my hand up and say I/we have missed things in the past. But when there is no genuine ongoing attempt to return calls/emails then I think we have a problem. I just wonder how many chances Farmers give, or are they putting up with it? I'd call it an Agribusiness opportunity for those who want to put in the effort. Reply to 


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