Farm Tender

App to help CBH and Farmers with receivals and deliveries

The CBH Group will expand the reach of our new mobile app that delivers real time delivery and sampling data to growers, following a successful first phase roll out.

The Carter’s Delivery Form (CDF) app allows growers and truck drivers to pre-submit information of their grain deliveries while on the farm and notify the CBH receival site of the coming delivery.

When the load arrives at site for sampling, results are immediately entered into the CDF app. This enables the truck driver to choose and accept a grade and continue with the delivery, or opt to deliver to another site.

The easy-to-use app will also provide real time notifications to the grower of sampling results, and the driver’s arrival and departure from the receival site. The app will also show which sites are open and which grains are being accepted at each site.

Phase one of the CDF app was rolled out at the Metro Grain Centre in Forrestfield and Moora in the Kwinana zone, and in Area 7*. The success of the roll out has prompted the push into key sites in Area 3**.

CBH Group General Manager David Capper said the CDF app generates immediate data that is vital in the decision making process for growers and truck drivers.

“The launch of the CDF app is another step towards a key CBH goal of providing the most efficient services to growers,” Mr Capper said.

“We had a great response from users to phase one and that’s why we’ve brought forward the roll out to Area 3.

“Previously, growers and truck drivers would need to fill in paper forms at each receival site, with truck drivers required to communicate with the grower back at the farm of the sampling results, while also mapping out the day’s deliveries.

“With this new mobile CDF app, the information is already pre-populated so eliminates the duplication of forms and allows growers and truck drivers to make good logistical decisions in a speedy manner.”

Growers will be able to customise notifications in the CDF app to receive real time notifications of when site times change and when services are open, closed or suspended.

The app is free to download from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. Growers and truck drivers can log in using their LoadNet account or can register with a mobile phone number.

The CDF app is planned to be rolled out across Western Australia for the 2018-19 harvest.