Farm Tender

Argentina's history breaking record harvest of 146 million tons

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By Aldo Leporati - Partner and Managing Director at Porter Novelli Argentina

According to the latest update of a report by the Secretary of Agribusiness, 146 million tons were produced in total, within the framework of what is calculated as the largest crop in history, with corn and soybeans as a standard, but accompanied by the wheat that had a record production of almost 20 million tons. For the 2018/19 campaign there was a record of 57 million tons of corn and about 56 million tons of soybeans.

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Thus, corn production would be 31% higher than the previous cycle, which should be noted last year had suffered the worst drought of the last 50 years. The last time the corn harvest had surpassed that of soybean was 20 years ago, in 1998, when 19.3 million tons of corn were harvested against 18.7 million tons of soybeans. As advantages, corn has better margins and stimulates soil rotation. It also pays less withholdings.

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With an estimated production of 56 million tons, the soybean harvest was "the highest average of the last 19 years", surpassing that of 2014/15 and 60% above that produced in the previous cycle (35, 1 million tons) which was hard hit by the drought. This was calculated by the Grain Exchange of Buenos Aires, which projected exports of the soybean chain of this campaign for US US$ 16,000 million, US$ 4,000 million more than that registered in 2017/18, while the state revenue would increase US$ 1,400 to US$ 6,400 million.
