Big price variance for Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Jun 04, 2021
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Yarding - 50,000 (-10,380)
Lambs - 41,000 (-9100)
Sheep - 9000 (-1280)
Numbers lifted moderately at this weeks Wagga sale. Quality was very mixed with finish dropping away across trade and light weight classes.Lambs 26 to 30kg sold to erratic bidding which was reflected in the big price variance. Trade lambs sold to weaker trends with longer wool and off-types dragging prices back. A full field of buyers were in attendance with local restockers operating along with feedlots participating on the younger types.
In the trade market, bidding was weaker from all southern companies. Lambs weighing 22 to 24kg eased $2, while well finished trade lambs 21 to 22kg suiting niche domestic orders slipped $4/head to average 807c/kg cwt. Merino trade lambs sold to a smaller group of buyers and most categories showed cheaper trends. Merino trade lambs 22 to 24kg sold $10/head cheaper to average 727c/kg cwt. Young lambs going onto feed through the winter months sold from $164 to $206/head.
There was the usual field of export buyers in attendance. Heavy and extra lambs sold to fluctuating sales, with weight and quality affecting prices. Heavy lambs 24 to 26kg sold $3 to $6/head cheaper to average 790c to 802c/kg cwt. Lambs 26 to 30kg sold to erratic bidding from some companies which resulted in a dearer trend of $3/head to average 763c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs over 30kg were keenly sought with prices ranging from $224 to $279/head. Extra-heavy Merino lambs made from $202 to $231/head.
It was another mixed quality yarding of mutton with heavy sheep in reasonable numbers. Not all buyers participated across heavy or trade categories, with heavy ewes sold mostly to one major northern processor. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $170 to $230/head to average602c/kg cwt. Heavy wethers sold from $195 to $238/head, averaging 639c/kg cwt. Merino ewes with plenty of weight sold from $188 to $240/head. Trade sheep sold to cheaper trends to average 635c/kg cwt.
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