Farm Tender

CBH releases ‘LoadNet Paddock Planner’ to help improve Crop estimates

   * New technical capabilities introduced to improve quality of crop estimates data.
   * Crop estimates to automatically sync with new CDF mobile app, which will be rolled out across Western Australia for the first time this harvest.
   * Better quality crop estimates data to improve storage, service and segregation planning for harvest

The CBH Group has introduced new smarter estimates technology for this year’s harvest that will better capture crop estimates data from growers.

The new ‘LoadNet Paddock Planner’ aims to improve the process of grower’s submitting their crop estimates while providing better quality data for CBH to complete storage and service plans for the upcoming harvest.

In its first week, approximately 50 per cent of growers who have submitted their crop estimates have done so through the LoadNet Paddock Planner.

Through our secure online platform, LoadNet, growers can easily sketch their paddocks, change boundaries and isolate non-arable land, before entering their paddock estimates by commodity, variety and the sites they intend to deliver to.

For growers who have kept their property information up to date, CBH has started mapping out each paddock. Growers will then easily be able to update their estimates as the season progresses.

Saving time at harvest

All crop estimates entered through LoadNet Paddock Planner will automatically sync with the CDF mobile app, which will be available for all growers throughout Western Australia following a successful trial last year.

The CDF app allows growers and truck drivers to pre-submit information of their grain deliveries while on-farm, saving time at the sample shed and weighbridge.

Through the app, growers will receive real time notifications of their loads to enable better decision making with regards to crop quality grades, and also be informed of when their driver is heading back to the farm for the next pick-up.

Post-harvest, growers will be able to download their paddock data and upload to their farm management system to help assess farm profitability.  

First step in achieving faster turnarounds at site

General Manager Operations, David Capper, said using a combination of crop estimates through Paddock Planner and satellite remote sensing data, CBH will have better quality data to plan sites and segregations for the upcoming harvest.

“We’re asking growers to spend a bit more time initially to make sure their property information is correct and to enter their crop estimates,” Mr Capper said.

“However this will save them time at harvest when they come to use the new CDF mobile app and see their data in action.

“We know growers want faster turnaround and better service at site, and submitting estimates through the new Paddock Planner will be the first step towards achieving this goal.

“By using smarter estimates technology with location based data, we can optimise our site services based on what growers have planted and ultimately work towards reducing costs from paddock to port for all growers.”

All data entered by growers into the LoadNet Paddock Planner and the CDF app is stored securely, in line with CBH’s obligations to protect and maintain growers’ privacy.