Farm Tender

Charity idea

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By Dwain Duxson

Charity idea - We wrote a story in my side hustle publication, The Farmers Club, about Wills and where you should leave your wealth when you go. Most will pass it on to family, but we got a surprise that a few replies came in and said they were leaving there's to charity.


This got me thinking about the problem of young people entering the Ag game and the problem of getting capital to do so. So I have an idea.


Why don’t we have a non-for-profit charity fund for Young Farmers? We could raise money from donations and then fund Young Farmers with whatever they need to get their start in Agriculture, or you could fund a student with a scholarship to go through Ag College. There are many possibilities. We could even take a leaf from the McGrath Foundation, and instead of selling virtual seats, we could sell virtual paddocks to raise money. Or rather than Farmers leaving their assets to charities outside Ag, they could leave it in the game, which then helps the young ones to enter the game.


Once some donated funds were raised, we could do up an application form for youngsters to apply, then have a small committee decide on whether that person is appropriate, has a strong enough idea or case and then work out how much to allocate as a grant. This is a concept only, but I would love your feedback. If you would support or not support something like this say "yes" or "no" and a reason why. Just reply to


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