Cheaper trends at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Feb 18, 2022
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**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our Farm Tender Livestock Exchange. Starting at 1.5% commission if you sell. Reach between 5000 - 8,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Jack Henshaw on 0407 902 941 for more information
Yarding - 55,000 (+15,000)
Lambs - 42,000 (+11,000)
Sheep - 13,000 (+4000)
Numbers increased significantly. Well finished Extra heavy lambs made a major part of the offering and quality was exceptional with all grain assisted or off lucerne stands. Trade lambs were in good numbers with quality mixed. Once again, all buyers preferred shorter skinned lambs. Lambs in longer wool presented needing more finish were discounted. The usual group of domestic and export buyers were at the rail however one major processor did not operate. Demand weakened over trade and heavy classes.
Price results were weaker for trade lambs, with increased numbers a contributing factor Prices generally slipped $2 to $5/head. Lambs 21 to 24kg sold from $163 to $212/head to average 856c/kg cwt. There was a mixed selection of young lambs suitable for restockers and lot feeders. Feedlot buyers kept a floor in trade prices paying from $167 to $212/head.
Extra heavy young lambs over 30kg carcass weight were in greater numbers and attracted the most competition. Prices weakened as the sale progressed, with quite a few pens passes in 30kg plus lambs sold $12/head cheaper to average 760c/kg cwt. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold to $12/head cheaper to average 760c/kg cwt. Lambs 26kg to 30kg sold $10/head cheaper averaging 778c/kg cwt.
It was a mixed quality yarding of mutton that was offered to a small buying group, with agents also participating due to the cheaper trends. Heavy ewe mutton sold to weak demand averaging 510c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were in greater numbers and buying competition was erratic. Trade sheep averaged 554c to 569c/kg cwt. Ewes returning to the paddock sold from $130 to $169/head.
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