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Dangarfield Cattle Co. - Santa Gertrudis Breeders Bull Sale, QLD - 76/76 bulls sold to $29,000 (Lot 2. Dangarfield Bernborough to Welbatch Pty Ltd, Mummulgum NSW) & av. $9204.
Clonlara Droughtmasters Bull Sale, QLD - 59/59 bulls sold to $23,000 (Lot 4. Clonlara 19230 to Black Gully Droughtmaster Stud) & av. $8679.
Woonallee N Simmentals & Gowrie Simbrahs Bull Sale, QLD - 63/63 Simmental bulls sold to $30,000 (Lot 12. Woonallee N Protocol to ER & LM Slack-Smith, Gladevale Station, Richmond QLD) & av. $10,381 and 29/29 Simbrah bulls sold to $18,000 twice (Lot 50. Gowrie P081 & Lot 83. Gowrie P103) & av. $8656.
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