Dearer market over most classes of Lambs at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Jul 07, 2021
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Yarding - 19,724 (-3226)
Lambs - 15,370 (-3830)
Sheep - 3354 (-304)
Lamb supply eased a little to 15,370 this week at Ballarat. Quality ranged from average to very good for this time of the selling season. The usual buying group were in attendance and operating in a dearer market over most classes of lambs. Trade lambs sold from $2 to $5/headdearer, while heavy and extra heavy lambs sold either side of firm. The medium and heavy trade weight lambs sold from $196 to $235, with extra heavyweight lambs reaching a top of $295/head. Quality Southdown cross light trade weight lambs averaged from 950c to 1,000c/kg cwt at times. Merino lambs mostly sold from $156 to $211/head. Restockers and feeders were active and paid from $147 to $194/head, with a strong order from SA operating.
Light lambs sold from $110 to $158/head and averaged 850c/kg cwt. Light trade weight lambs sold from $166 to $221/head and averaged 920c/kg cwt. Medium trade weight score 3 and 4 lambs sold from $196 to $233/head and ranged from 850c to 950c to average 890c/kg cwt.Heavy trade weight lambs weighing 24 to 26 kg, sold from $220 to $244/head and averaged 880c/kg cwt. Export weight lambs sold from$226 to $249, with the extra heavyweight lambs selling from $247 to $295/head to average 780c/kg cwt. Light trade weight Merino lambs sold from $132 to $170, while the medium weights sold to $211/head and averaged from 780c to 830c/kg cwt. Hoggets sold from $133 to $220/head.
There were 4,354 sheep yarded and the quality was mixed, but with some good runs of Merino wethers penned. The return of a major exporter saw medium and heavyweight sheep improve to $10/head and more in places. Lighter sheep were not as strong easing $2 to $4/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to $244, while Merino ewes sold to $240 and heavy Merino wethers sold to $260/head. Light weight sheep sold from $96 to $150/head and averaged 700c/kg cwt. Medium weight sheep sold from $110 to $190/head with the Merino mutton averaging 660c/kg cwt. Heavy and extra heavy Merino ewes sold from $178 to $240/head. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $156 to $260, with the medium weights selling from $140 to $175/head and the heavy Merino sheep averaging from 640c to 690c/kg cwt. Heavy crossbredewes sold from $158 to $244/head, averaging 620c to 640c/kg cwt. Rams sold from $30 to $140/head.
**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our Farm Tender Livestock Exchange. Starting at 1.5% commission if you sell. Reach between 5000 - 8,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Jack Henshaw on 0407 902 941 for more information
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