Dearer Sheep market at Ballarat
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Dec 08, 2021
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Yarding - 62,107 (+6985)
Lambs - 45,683 (+5106)
Sheep - 16,424 (+1879)
Lamb supply increased again this week to 45,483 penned, the yarding quality wasn’t as good as previous weeks, ranging from plain to very good. All the usual buying group attended in a market that started easier to gain as it progressed, also processors indicated lamb skins have dropped in value over the last week across all categories, with the market ending either side of firm. Trade lambs sold firm to $5 cheaper, export lambs were in demand with limited supply selling $4 to $8/head dearer to a week ago. Store buyers were again strong on the lighter lambs, to go back to the paddock and feed on, under 18kg sold $60 to $170 and over 18kg cwt made from $163 to $225 to be $5/head softer in places. Shorn lambs are starting to present in the market selling well to range from $144 to $190/head with most sales 880c/kg cwt and above.
Light lambs under 18kg cwt to suit MK orders to the trade sold from $146 to $179/head. Trade lambs 18kg to 22kg sold from $163 to $218 and lambs 22kg to 24kg made from $185 to $234, with an average range of 815c to 845c/kg cwt and heavy lambs 24 to 26kg sold from $213 to $248/head, to average 850c to 880c/kg cwt. Export lambs 26kg to 30kg made from $246 to $310 with an average range of 910c to 940c/kg cwt.
Sheep numbers increased to 16,424 penned, the quality ranged from plain to very good with most of the usual buying group present, with more active this week. Overall, the market $5 to $20/head dearer across the yarding, Merino weather having the biggest increase. Heavy Merino wethers made from $186 to $225, to average 685c to 710c/kg cwt, lighter weights sold from $148 to $186/head. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $174 to $218 to average 660c to 680c and heavy crossbred mutton made $159 to $230/head, to average 630c to 650c/kg cwt.
55 | Emu Hill Pastoral, Linton | $310 |
78 | Rutlands Pastoral, Vite Vite | $295 |
77 | McConachy Farm, Berrybank | $272 |
13 | KM Stapleton, Ellerslie | $271 |
175 | Warrawidgee Pastoral, Pittong | $270 |
80 | Rowallan Lodge, Burrumbeet | $270 |
90 | HR & RH Hibson, Thorpdale | $269 |
65 | IG & FE Sharp, Willowvale | $265 |
37 | AS & LM Wardlaw, Avoca | $265 |
68 | SJ Loader, Glenbrae | $264 |
53 | Gallagher Trading Trust, Ercildoune | $262 |
39 | ML & JT Wardlaw, Avoca | $262 |
94 | A, E, D & L Hotchkin, Thorpdale | $261 |
36 | K & M Hare, Lismore | $260 |
164 | RJ & DM Wardlaw, Avoca | $258 |
32 | Commera, Creswick | $257 |
49 | Ayres Ag, Skipton | $256 |
76 | FT Blood, Mt Moriac | $253 |
40 | KJ Moore, Creswick | $253 |
26 | N & S Carey, Gordon | $250 |
44 | H Hurley, Bungal | $248 |
63 | BL Wardlaw, Avoca | $246 |
63 | CD & SG Powell, Windermere | $243 |
46 | Coryule P/L, Willowvale | $242 |
159 | Durkin Farms, Thorpdale | $236 |
62 | R Clarke & Co, Bolinda Vale | $235 |
121 | Castello Farm, Thorpdale | $234 |
86 | IG & HM Mathews, Brewster | $233 |
43 | AR & GS Johns, Winchelsea | $232 |
68 | FW Powell, Thorpdale | $231 |
43 | CP Smith, Darlington, | $231 |
56 | Leigh Range, Bamganie | $230 |
130 | SA Dridan, Lake Goldsmith | $229 |
90 | Strathpine Pastoral, Streatham | $229 |
49 | Grant Family Trust, Vite Vite | $225 |
47 | PR & EP Muir, Myrniong | $225 |
25 | Eden Pastoral, Elaine | $225 |
79 | KF Dalton, Trawalla | $223 |
88 | MN Castello, Thorpdale | $219 |
44 | Barr St Quentin, Lismore | $217 |
22 | Kilmorey Partnership, Woolsthorpe | $216 |
68 | Tarra Park, Minjah | $215 |
36 | BT & LM Roycroft, Terang | $215 |
35 | Maylin Farming, Derrinallum | $214 |
44 | TE May, Kingston | $213 |
102 | J & A Fahey, Thorpdale | $211 |
133 | Alcinta, Tourello | $210 |
124 | Anderson Ag, Mingay | $190 |
60 | Langcoll, Pomberneit Nth | $188 |
156 | PM & RM Dooley, Warncoort | $185 |
80 | Westbrook Agriculture, Loxton | $236 |
22 | I & R Hentsberger, Dumbalk Nth | $277 |
58 | Mount Bute Pastoral, Linton | $225 |
37 | S Buttler, Berrybank | $185 |
27 | Wilks Family Trust, Anakie | $232 |
94 | PM & RM Dooley, Warncoort | $230 |
87 | Emu Hill Pastoral, Linton | $230 |
25 | SM & HI Wilsher, Freshwater Creek | $228 |
64 | DL & CM Barr, Woorndoo | $226 |
24 | Bon Nerrin, Nerrin Nerrin | $225 |
14 | Kallaroo Farming, Pura Pura | $225 |
142 | Peel Ag P/L, Gnarwarre | $220 |
97 | PL & LM May, Derrinallum | $220 |
62 | Barr St Quentin, Lismore | $220 |
19 | Taylor Bros, Lismore | $218 |
140 | Cloverside Pastoral Co, Weering | $217 |
14 | David Dennis, Mt Duneed | $215 |
98 | Burnbrae Pastoral, Inverleigh | $210 |
44 | Ayres Ag, Skipton | $210 |
38 | Warrawidgee, Pittong | $206 |
90 | H & R Hobson, Thorpdale | $205 |
79 | Glenspean Partners, Meredith | $205 |
63 | I & E Perry, Landsborough | $205 |
42 | Rutlands Pastoral, Vite Vite | $202 |
59 | AS & LM Wardlaw, Avoca | $200 |
16 | NG & CD Mawson, Winchelsea | $200 |
22 | K & R Liston, | $195 |
29 | ML & JT Wardlaw, Avoca | $197 |
130 | Hunter Richardson Rural P/L, Glenthompson | $190 |
101 | Rosevale Ridge, Maroona | $175 |
32 | JE & G Harvey, Inverleigh | $175 |
30 | K & J Mitchell, Werona | $175 |
21 | AC Pickford, Clunes | $175 |
46 | D & D Monaghan, Stawell | $174 |
39 | H & J Duver, Rhymney | $170 |
39 | NJ Amery, Mt Bruno | $170 |
82 | GF & B Simpson, Winjallok | $166 |
30 | G McGuiness, Wareek | $220 |
40 | DW Sutton, Omeo | $218 |
46 | Pendower, Rokewood | $215 |
64 | Glenayr, Beaufort | $212 |
131 | Westbrook Agriculture, Loxton | $197 |
247 | Boortkoi Pastoral Co, Hexham | $186 |
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