Dearer trend for the best lambs at Bendigo
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Jan 18, 2021
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Yarding - 27,000 (-6400).
Lambs - 20,000 (-7000).
Sheep - 7000 (-600)
A drop in lamb supply to 20,000 head, while sheep numbers remained similar at 7,000. Heavy shorn lambs again dominated the yarding, while nicely finished trade lambs remained scarce. The market fluctuated throughout the sale, with some pens lifting $15 to $20/head dearer than last week. The overall result, when the different price outcomes were mixed together, was a dearer trend for the best lambs in the 24 to 30kg range, while most others averaged close to last week. Store lamb competition was boosted by a volume order from a Shepparton agency, and small lambs to the paddock were often dearer.
The heaviest shorn lambs over 30kg sold from $235 to a top of $277, for an average of $260/head. The lead pens of heavy lambs in the 26 to30kg category sold from $225 to $254/head to record averages from 830c to 840c/kg cwt. The pick of the 24 to 26kg lambs suiting the top domestic orders sold from $205 to $224/head to average close to 850c/kg cwt. Price fluctuations were recorded over the general run of trade lambs selling from $170 to $210/head depending on quality, fat cover and size. Lighter lambs to the paddock and processors made mostly from $130 to $165/head.
Little change to sheep supply, however demand was at lower levels with not all companies operating fully. Price falls of $10 to $20/head were common across a range of mutton, with some categories losing more value. Only exceptionally heavy crossbred ewes sold over $200 to a top of $220, with most making from $170 to $190/head. Heavy Merino ewes in a high value skin sold to $220/head. A lot of trade and heavy sheep made from $130 to $170/head to be costing from 520c to 580c/kg cwt. Any quality Merino wethers were better supported to still trend above 600c/kg cwt.
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