Farm Tender

Driving digital transformation across Ag to unlock growth worth $20 billion

   * Report released to drive digital transformation across agriculture
   * Has found it could be worth more than $20 billion to Australian agriculture

​A new report released today has outlined a way to drive digital transformation across agriculture and unlock production growth worth $20.3 billion.

The Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, David Littleproud, today released the report at the ABARES Outlook 2018 Conference, as part of the Accelerating Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture project funded under the Coalition Government’s Rural R&D for Profit program.

“This report highlights the tremendous potential return on investment from connectivity infrastructure in agriculture,” Minister Littleproud said.

“It also shows areas Australia can make gains using technology and makes a series of recommendations around how to bridge the gap.

“It says collaboration across industries is key to deliver the benefits of digital agriculture, with significant overall production increases as a clear incentive.

“A series of resources and web-based tools have also been released to encourage industries to participate, and I encourage​ farmers to make use of these.

“The Accelerating Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture project is a key project from the Rural R&D for Profit program, bringing together an entire industry sector—including all 15 rural Research and Development Corporations, universities, industry and agribusiness.

“This project is the first under the Rural R&D for Profit program where all 15 rural Research and Development Corporations are collaborating to tackle a significant cross-sectoral challenge.

“It received a government grant of almost $1.4 million, leveraged with more than $2.1 million of cash and in-kind contributions from the Cotton Research Development Corporation and partners.”

Fast Facts:
   * Government and industry invest over $600 million annually in research and development and extension through our rural research and development corporations.
   * The Coalition Government’s $180.5 million Rural R&D for Profit program is on top of this, aiming to improve farmgate productivity and profitability and deliver real outcomes for Australian farmers.