Dry conditions kept numbers high at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Apr 30, 2021
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Yarding - 39,490 (-4710).
Lambs - 33,810 (-3990).
Sheep - 5680 (-720)
Dry conditions kept numbers reasonably high for this time of year. Trade weight lambs 21kg to 24kg were in short supply. Extra-heavy lambs 26kg to 30kg saw quality improve compared to the previous sale, with more well shaped shorter skinned lambs offered. Lambs over 30kg carcase weight (cwt) made up a large portion of the offering. The big, super heavy lambs met patchy demand resulting in a significant price correction. An almost full field of buyers were in attendance. Local restockers were operating at times, but feedlot demand kept them struggling to meet prices.
In the trade run, a major domestic processor controlled the market for all the better shaped shorter skin lambs. Lambs weighing 22kg to 24kggained $3 to average 812c/kg cwt. Merino trade lambs sold to a smaller group of buyers, and most categories sold to mixed price trends.Merino trade lambs generally eased up to $7 to average 757c/kg cwt. Young lambs returning to the paddock with weight and frame sold at$155 to $176/head.
There was a big field of export buyers in attendance; however not all were operating fully. Heavy and extra heavy lambs sold to fluctuating bidding, with prices varying as the sale progressed. Heavy lambs 24kg to 26kg, gained $4/head averaging 785c/kg cwt. Lambs 26kg to 30kgcwt struggled to attract all buyers, averaging 751c/kg cwt. Extra heavy lambs over 30kg cwt suffered a price correction of $17, making from $225 to $284/head averaging 716c/kg cwt.
It was a mixed quality yarding of mutton, with heavy sheep in shorter supply. Not all buyers participated across heavy categories. Heavy ewes sold to erratic bidding with a northern processor purchasing the bulk of the offering. Heavy crossbred ewes made from $170 to $254/head to average 603c to 631c/kg cwt. Heavy wethers sold to $238 averaging 669c to 686c/kg cwt. Trade sheep slipped $10 to average 606c to651c/kg cwt.
**List your commercial Sheep, Cattle, Rams or Bulls on our new Farm Tender Livestock Exchange. Starting at 1% commission if you sell. Reach between 8000 - 10,000 potential customers per day. Contact our Livestock Marketing Agent Hannah Anderson on 0429 479 072 for more information
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