Egelabra, Dell, North South and Hillcroft Ram and Ewe sale results
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Oct 09, 2021
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Egelabra Merino Stud Ram Sale, NSW - 189/189 rams sold to $28,000 (Lot 1 to HM Lowe & Co, Nyngan NSW) & av. $4791.
Dell African Dumisa Ram Sale, NSW - 101/102 Dorper rams sold to $20,000 (Lot 8. Dell 190588 to Culgoa UltraWhite & Dorper Studs) & av. $4506 and 32/34 White Dorper rams sold to $10,000 (Lot 18. Dumisa 200203 to Top Waterloo Pastoral Co, Walcha NSW) & av. $4542.
North South Border Leicester Stud Ram Sale, NSW - 80/80 rams sold to $5500 (Lot 4. North South 059 to Glenalvie Border Leicesters, Narromine NSW) & av. $3356.
Hillcroft Farms UltraWhite Sale, WA - 100/100 stud ewes sold to $8200 (Lot 14. Hillcroft 207820) & av. $4016 and 243/250 rams sold to $51,500 (Lot 104. Hillcroft 207109) & av. $3558. 500/500 commercial ewes sold av. $878.

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