Exceptional yarding of 18,062 New Season Lambs at Wagga Wagga
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Sheep & Wool News
- Aug 27, 2021
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Yarding - 55,100 (+11,830)
Lambs - 41,000 (+7180)
Sheep - 10,500 (+4750)
Numbers increased for the last sale of winter. New season lamb numbers jumped to 18,062 in an exceptional yarding that offered buyers plenty of shape and weight. A large portion of the old lamb offering were grain assisted across heavy and extra heavy classes. Old trade lambs were in shorter supply and quality was mixed with a lot of clean-out pens in various condition. A full field of buyers were at the rail however not all operated fully.
New season lamb prices remained at record levels with all buyers scrambling for supplies. New season lambs weighing 22 to 24kg recorded a top price $266/head with the bulk averaging 1,006c/kg cwt. Heavy young lambs sold from $251 to $279/head. The extra heavy portion recorded a top price of $312/head to average 987c/kg cwt. There was an excellent selection of well-bred young lambs suitable for restockers and feedlots. Lambs to restock and feed-on made from $129 to $182/head.
Old trade lambs sold to erratic trends which was quality related. Lambs weighing 22 to 24kg were unchanged averaging 1,024c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold $4 to $14/head dearer, with those weighing 22 to 24kg averaging 895c/kg cwt. A larger field of export buyers were in attendance along with some domestic processor competition. Heavy 24 to 26kg lambs sold $5/head cheaper to average 1,015c/kg cwt. Lambs weighing 26 to 30kg eased $15, selling from $250 to $340/head. Extra heavy lambs estimated to weigh more than 30kg cwt ignited the bidding and surged $15 to record a top price of $379/head.
It was a better quality yarding of mutton compared to the previous sale. Not all buyers attended or operated across heavy or trade categories. Heavy ewes sold to solid competition making from $178 to $264/head to average 622c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino wethers sold from $174 to $236/head to average 692c/kg cwt. Trade sheep were mostly shorn with the bulk making from $132 to $175/head.
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