Farm Tender

Farm office phobia

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By Dwain Duxson

Farm office phobia - It's one of those things you either love or hate, but most Farmers I know have a strong dislike of the Farm office. Office work is very much seen as a necessary evil for most. 


Farmers feel that the most important work is outside the office. If a Farmer spends any length of time in the office, there is a point where they start feeling guilty that they need to be attending to outside jobs. 


And yes, those office jobs have changed over the years with the advent of the mobile phone. These days the Ute, Tractor, and Woolshed are part-time offices providing you can get coverage. But, I'd still argue that some of the most important Farm work is done in the office. So how do we make it more appealing and not a place where you feel guilty being there?


One thing that would help is I think every Farm should have an independent office. By that, I mean something that is detached from the main residence. The independent Farm office is a place where everyone involved in the business can go and feel comfortable. I know we did this on our family Farm around 20 years ago, and it was probably the best decision we ever made. Houses, where families live, tend to make poor Farm offices, the people from outside the family feel uncomfortable going there, and the family that lives there feel uncomfortable having other people come and go. 


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