Farm Tender

Farm Tender Hay Report - Volume 2

Slight increase in prices for protein Hay
It’s been a very busy fortnight on the Hay front. Just like the fortnight before, 90 percent of the Hay sold on Farm Tender is heading from South to North.

Queensland got some well-earned relief with a nice dumping of rain which virtually covered the whole state; this will slow the demand down for Queensland. However, areas outside Queensland remain dry, and this is where the demand is with NSW leading the charge

Currently, we virtually have two seasons worth of Hay with the older season Hay being of lesser quality than the new season Hay. It's good to see stock being cleared, but right now it has only seen a slight increase in the price of protein Hay

Vetch hay leads the way for volumes sold, with daylight second. We have demand for good 20/10/40 Hay that is shedded and with good bale weights

Many Dairy Farmers in NSW are replacing Lucerne Hay with Vetch Hay, hence the demand for Vetch.

See the grid below

28th of February to the 14th of March 2018


What is means:
Prices are $ + GST per Metric Tonne - $/mt
NS – New Season
OS – Old Season
20/10/40/650 - Protein/ME/NDF/Bale weight
Shedded – Shedded
Cap/Tarp – Capped and or Tarped
Paddock – Paddock

Disclaimer – These prices are to be used as a guide only, there are many variables that need to be taken into consideration. Farm Tender will not be held responsible for any of the above prices

If you are looking to list your Hay or require more information go to or call contact one of the sales team

John Drum – 0408 504 561 or
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or