Farm Tender

Farm Tender Hay Report - Volume 3

The Farm Tender Hay Report – Volume 3

Demand increases but still a buyer’s market for now

This fortnight we saw demand increase across the board with most prices staying steady and we slightly downgraded our prices for Clover, Pasture and some Cereal Hay to values they sold at during the last fortnight. So it’s still a buyer’s marker for now.

Demand for 16/17 Season (old season) Vetch Hay and Cereal Hay is increasing, buyers are shopping by the feed test, and heavier bale weights to help with freight costs.

Similar with 17/18 Season (new season) Vetch Hay, anything with a better than average test and heavier bale weights is getting snapped up first.

The importance of good photos

Good close up photos of a representative sample of the Hay listing is a vital part of the buying process for Hay buyers. It’s so easy these days to take half a dozen photos on your phone, and it makes such a difference. So keep those photos coming

For Buyers

We can’t pick the weather and how long the dry will continue, so we suggest that buyers be mindful of their needs going forward as to Hay requirements and getting freight at the right price. The contact details for our sales guys are below of ring 1300 Farming (327 646)


Our team will enjoy a well earned Easter break, but you can still enquire on Hay by commenting on a listing (the contact details will come up on the screen). However, be mindful of others who will be having a break as well. The best strategy is to plan before or plan after Easter. Have a good one..

14th of March to the 28th of March 2018


What is means:

Prices are $ + GST per Metric Tonne - $/mt

NS – New Season

OS – Old Season

20/10/40/650 - Protein/ME/NDF/Bale weight

Shedded – Shedded

Cap/Tarp – Capped and or Tarped

Paddock – Paddock

Disclaimer – These prices are to be used as a guide only, there are many variables that need to be taken into consideration. Farm Tender will not be held responsible for any of the above prices

If you are looking to list your Hay or require more information go to or call contact one of the sales team

John Drum – 0408 504 561 or

Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or

Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or

Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or

Or 1300 Farming (327 646)