Farm Tender

Farm Tender Newsletter - Now is not the time to judge

See below an extract from the week's Farm Tender newsletter. If you are keen to receive this every week, please register @

The drought has hit many, and it's not good. Let's put all the "I told you so" stories down for now and try and get through what is right here, right now. Let's take the judgment off the table.

It's been real cannon fodder for the press which only ever look for negative stories.

I am all for people helping each other when things are tough, and that's exactly what is happening. There are some tough stories out there, and when it affects peoples mental health then we have to listen and help out as best we can.

Farming practices have changed, and for the better, we are much better equipped for drought than ever, but we can still improve. Many who set good plans in place have been blindsided by just how severe this drought has turned out

There are also Farmers with a different opinion on how Agriculture is perceived during these tough times. Here is a tweet that has been applauded by some:
Sam Heagney‏ @samheagney
It’s time to change the conversation around #drought. We are not all welfare cases who need handouts & don’t manage for natural events. It’s VERY BLOODY tough, yet we will survive this drought. The public needs to see that we are mostly modern resilient & sophisticated businesses

This is what someone said in reply to the above:
Very well said. We risk losing the support of the Australian public if they believe we are all incompetent.

You can plan and make decisions, but you can't Farm for a drought, it would be like starting a business and not trusting anyone, your business would last 10 minutes. We have to plant that Crop; we have to put the Rams out, we have to improve that pasture. You won't succeed in Farming if you're tentative and overly cautious. Farmers know they are not going to get everything right and they accept that some things are going to go against them.

The issues with drought only come to light when we are in the grips of one, so after this current drought has finished, let's talk about drought when things are good, that way we can plan even better than ever before. Governments might even save themselves some money