Farm Tender

Feeders and restockers not as active at Ballarat

This article is bought to you by C Pearce Contracting and Glendemar MPM.

Yarding - 31,145 (+3029).

Lambs - 22,909 (+3740).

Sheep - 8236 (-711).

Lamb numbers increased again this week to 22,909 head yarded. The quality was very good with most weights on offer, the usual buying group attended and operated fully in a slightly easier market to average $2 to $10/head back on last week's levels. Feeders and restockers weren't as active today paying to $210/head. There were very few old lambs on offer selling to $212/head.

Light weight 2 score lambs 12-18kg sold from $101 to $148/head to average 775c/kg. Light trade 2-3 score lambs 18-22kg sold from $140 to $191/head to average 755c/kg. Medium trade weight lambs 22-24kg sold from $165 to $196/head, making from 690c to 809c to average 760c/kg cwt. Heavy trade weight lambs 24-26kg sold from $185 to $214/head to average 751c/kg cwt. Export lambs 26-30kg sold from $212to $228/head to average 775c/kg cwt. Hogget's sold from $76 to $202/head.

Ad - It's Hay season soon. For the best results contact C Pearce Contracting - Ad 

Ad - Glendemar MPM - Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad

Sheep numbers were down slightly to 8,236 head yarded. The quality was average to very good with plenty of weight across the yarding of crossbred and Merino lines. Light weight 1-2 score sheep made from $68 to $127 to average 540c/kg with very light 1 scores selling to$66/head. Medium weight 2-3 score sheep sold from $112 to $165/head selling from 509c to 661c with Merino mutton averaging around600c/kg cwt. Heavy Merino ewes sold from $133 to $187/head averaging 600c/kg. Merino wethers sold from $129 to $188/head to average around 610c/kg holding firm on last week's levels. Crossbred wethers sold from $119 to $182 and rams sold from $45 to $130/head.

Ad - It's Hay season soon. For the best results contact C Pearce Contracting - Ad

Ad - Glendemar MPM - Ram Sale is on the 2nd of October - Ad

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