Farm Tender

Fitzroy Crossing, Bannaby and High Country Bull sale results

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Fitzroy Crossing Bull Sale, WA - 171/171 bulls sold to $13000 & av. $4672. 7 Red Brangus sold av. $3375. 37 Red Brahmans sold av. $4250. 45 Grey Brahmans sold av. $3761. 52 Droughtmasters sold av. $5677. 26 Queenslanders sold av. $5451. 4 Charbrays sold av. $3000.


Bannaby Angus Bull Sale, NSW - 33/36 bulls sold to $10000 (Lot 26. Bannaby Reality P53) & av. $6876.


High Country Droughtmasters Bull & Female Sale, QLD - 39/52 bulls sold to $21000 (Lot 28. High Country Headmaster to Glenlands Droughtmasters, QLD) & av. $6054 and 18/18 females sold to $5500 (Lot 72. High Country Island Girl) & av. $3422.


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