Farm Tender

Fodder needed to help feed fire affected Livestock

The Victorian Farmers Federation is coordinating fodder relief for farmers affected by fires in the South West of the state.

“First and foremost, we need farmers, their families and their workers to think of safety and seek support”, said David Jochinke, VFF President.

“Anyone with good quality fodder to donate should contact the VFF on 1300 882 833 to register”, said Mr Jochinke.

“We also want to hear from farmers who need fodder so we can coordinate immediate distribution”.

 We are encouraging farmers affected by the fires to contact the VFF for support, donations and assistant – either by phone on 1300 882 833 or by referring to .

The VFF has an agreement with the Victorian Government to facilitate the fodder relief. This includes reimbursement of freight costs for transport of donated fodder.

Agriculture Victoria is advising farmers in the case of injured livestock to euthanise and dispose if appropriate and to record images and information for insurance purposes. There is no need to wait for the department or a vet to authorise.

Agriculture Victoria animal health staff will enter fire affected areas as soon as it is safe to do so. For further advice on livestock impacted by fire, farmers can ring 03 5336 6721

The Rural Financial Counselling Service is available for immediate assistance and can be contacted on 1300 735 578 (24 hour hotline).

“I want to thank the CFA and all the people in the surrounding regions for their immediate support and donations. It is times like this that Australia’s strong communities come together”.

Further information about the support available to fire affected farmers can be found at .

Picture - Joel Joel Farmer Justin Hall finishes loading a donated load of Hay to bush fire affected Farmers. Case dealer Agrimac donates the freight. Well done to both