FT Livestock Exchange news with Jack Henshaw
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Farm Tender, DelayPay & Farm Inputs
- Oct 13, 2021
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Check out the FTLE page here or Call Jack Henshaw, our in-house Livestock Agent on 0407 902 941.
Dwain said he went to his brother's Ram sale (Glendemar MPM) last week, and the spirited bidding for Rams was like he had never seen before. I think they were $1500 or so up on last year for 140 head.
He also said the selling layout was user friendly for everyone. With each lot on a large video screen, the Auctioneer close by in an elevated position, the Rams penned in lot order only 10 metres outside the tent and the combination of real-time and online bidders made it all go like clockwork.
We are coming out of the Christmas Feedlot window, so we should see Feedlot prices for Cattle start strengthen.
I hear that there is a real concern that Red meat could be harder to source from a consumer perspective this Christmas. If that's the case prices will rise at the meat counter.
With Good rain falling across NSW and Southern Queensland, Weaner prices will jump again very soon. If you are chasing Cattle, don't hesitate to call.
Also, there is no better time than now to forward sell your Livestock. If you have weaners or lambs coming along, let us know.
Amazing that we are talking about strengthening prices when they are already at all-time highs.
Kempsey Stock & Land have their annual Feeder Steer and Bullock sale coming up this Thursday the 14th. They are expecting 1500 head, including 400 weaners and yearling cattle. I will be attending if you are chasing any
Good times in the Livestock game.
Keep those listings coming and call me anytime
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