Glendemar MPM news update - By Ben Duxson
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Ag Tech News
- Aug 13, 2018
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Glendemar MPM sale is on the 3rd October with 140 Poll and Merino rams up for sale. The catalogue should be out by the middle of September.
See our "Prime" Preferred Partner page here -
We have just returned from Hamilton Sheepvention, and it was great to catch up with existing and new clients. One common thread we kept on hearing was from people that had bought Glendemar MPM ewes and mentioned how well they have produced. These are from some of our very good clients, who are 100% merino joining’s and have high lambing rates, that allows them to turn off surplus young stock and whole drops. Many of the comments are around how well the ewes do on less feed and the high amount of lambs that they mark.
Knowing that the ewe is the engine room of a merino production system, it is great to see our bloodline ewes go out and perform in all environments. Much of this has to do with a sharper focus on ewe management, through LTEM courses, and genetics that are very responsive to these management techniques. What also should not be lost is the cost saving traits that we are breeding for, namely growth, muscle and fat. Still, for us and our breeding objective, our number one production trait is lambing percentage. This is gained through conceiving more lambs, but more importantly, surviving more lambs. Again the industry has had a focus on this over the past few years and there are great recommendations on mob size, feed allocation, time of lambing etc.
With a wool market that can only be described as “on fire” accelerated shearing’s are now becoming normal practice for the industry. Whether this is 6 or 8 months, the benefits are significant. We were on the 8 month shearing for quite a while and for most it is very hard to do. Ourselves and a number of our clients are now in the 6 month shearing and the logistics work very well. Again this allows you to sharpen your management and make your system more efficient.
Our young stock have no trouble getting 70mm + in this system, but older lambing ewes need work.
Some useful tips:
* Shorten joining’s (4 weeks, use teaser rams and a lupin spike if you like)
Keep shearing away from key management practices (i.e Joining, lambing, cropping etc)
* Wean early (don’t leave lambs to long on ewes, stocking rate halves once separated, non-lactating ewes grow more wool)
* Lock in shearers (have them come the same time every 6 months and get it done as quickly as possible)
* Talk to woolbrokers (there is good demand for shorter, high newton wool’s, target repeat buyers let them know that this wool will be on the market same time each year)
All our clients that have moved to 6 month shearing love it. It is a big move but prepare and plan right and you won’t go back.
Whilst on shearing I will make a big prediction that robot or mechanical shearing will be here within 10 years. It might seem that it is impossible, but with cheap robotics and technology nowadays, it is only a matter of time. The fact that finding shearers, to do a tough manual job in less than ideal conditions, will force this development.
For everyone that has stuck with merino’s over many decades, the future looks exciting. Excepting the current big dry that many of our NSW and Queensland clients (and others is pockets of the rest of Australia) are experiencing we should see good sheep-meat, surplus ewe, and wool sales for a while yet. As I have mentioned in the newsletter quality assurance program’s, traceability and the ability to align yourself with brands will see constant rewards for doing what you do. Individual Objective Carcass Measurement (OCM) is a big one for all merino producers. Hopefully, within 2 years time, we will see this technology within our industry and you can gain valuable feedback on what you are producing. Any of our clients that have finished MPM lambs realise the potential and quality that these genetics have. We believe we will have exceptional eating quality (EQ) along with all our production and cost save traits to have a very robust sheep production system.
See the latest brochure here -
Please feel free to share our brochure and get back to us with any questions or quires that you may have. Happy to help out at any time.
We are hoping that the drought areas receive significant rain very soon and that all can get back into production as quickly as possible.
Ben Duxson
Glendemar MPM
0427 354 535
If you are keen for us to promote your Sheep or Cattle Stud to our 30,000 plus Farmer members give Dwain Duxson a call on 0427 011 900.
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