Farm Tender

Glenlands Droughtmasters average $11,036 and sell one for $80,000

Glenlands Droughtmaster Stud, Rockhampton, Qld, held their on-property Sale on Friday

The offered up 155 lots to a total clearance and at an outstanding average of $11,036

The top-priced Bull, lot 2, Glenlands D Winchester, was a beauty and was knocked down to Fieldhouse Droughtmasters, Wagin, WA for a massive $80,000. Two other Bulls made $47,500 each

The sale grossed $1,710,580 for the Childs family

Picture - The $80,000 Bull

If you are keen for us to promote your Sheep or Cattle Stud to our 31,000 plus Farmer members give Dwain Duxson a call on 0427 011 900.