Farm Tender

GrainGrowers calls for improved freight efficiency for Growers

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Australian grain supply chain costs are comparably higher than overseas, which impacts our competitiveness and affects growers who ultimately pay for freight.GrainGrowers is asking for the next Federal government to improve planning, investment and regulatory settings to ensure Australia has an efficient and globally competitive grains supply chain.

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Cam Parker, a farmer from Boort, Victoria is situated less than 100km from the NSW border. Parker was recognised as the “face of young Agriculture” multiple times during the Agriculture Ministers Debate in Canberra yesterday. Parker is unable to utilise road trains to move grain and hay across states, despite the relatively short distances.

“Weare less than 100km from NSW, and in flat, open country, with the exact same, if not better, roads than in NSW we are unable to use road trains in my local area. As a result, we have to send two separate trucks to the NSW border. This creates more truck traffic on our roads, means greater fatigue on staff and contractors, and ultimately has a greater effect on our environment.” Parker said.

More efficient supply chains can be achieved through coordinating efforts across all levels of Government, as well as making investments based on an agreed national freight strategy. And while improved freight efficiency is about improving the productivity of the entire grains industry, there are flow on benefits to the whole community through increasing road safety and reducing local congestion. Fewer, larger trucks on the road mean less traffic and fewer trips to deliver product.

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As a federal election ask, GrainGrowers is asking all candidates to support the utilisation of higher productivity vehicles through the reclassification of all suitable roads to allow road train and B-double access.Grain freight accounts for over 41% of agricultural road freight so improvements would benefit communities right across regional Australia.

GrainGrowers Federal Election Priorities can be downloaded from the website.