Farm Tender

Graneta, Woonallee and Nampara Bull sale result

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Graneta Limousin and Angus Bull Sale, QLD - 35/49 Limousin & Angus bulls sold to $6500 three times (Lot 3. Graneta Hipper, Lot 5. Graneta Jock and Lot 12. Graneta Nevada) & av. $4629.


Inaugural Woonallee Simmentals & Nampara Angus Victorian Spring Bull Sale - Woonallee: 23/24 bulls sold to $10000 (Lot 2. Woonallee Picasso) & av. $6154. Nampara: 15/18 bulls sold to $10000 (Lot 18. Nampara P58) & av. $5750.


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