Farm Tender

Hay Report - Hay heading South

For the fortnight up to the 22nd of January 2025.


By Dwain Duxson

It was before Christmas when we put out our last Hay Report, so welcome back.

A little bit has changed since we last wrote. Post Harvest has allowed Farmers the time to start listing their Hay for sale.

Hay sales have steadily increased in 2025, with ones that had green pick a month ago starting to die off. I am hearing that parts of Queensland are back dry again and will be looking for supplements to feed Cattle.

South West Victoria is going through a season from hell, and that has continued with a lot of bare paddocks around. Double that, with many only getting one Silage cut this year instead of 3 normally means they are in for a long Summer. The sell off of Weaner Cattle from this area recently will lessen the Feed bill for some. South Australia is tight, too.

We have seen some good listings coming onto the market in 2025, and we believe there is still a bit of Hay being held back, which will trickle onto the market over the next few months.

It's still not quite happening in the Livestock market. There have been times when we thought it might take off but only to see it tank a little, which saps the confidence out of growers.

One thing that is stopping a few Hay deals from going ahead is the cost of freight. 

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What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?


There hasn't been a great deal of change in prices since we wrote pre-Christmas. A slight uptick, if anything.


New Season Vetch is $350 to $405 a tonne, depending on where you are. A slight rise in the last fortnight.


The best Cereal Hay is ranging from $250 to $305 a tonne, which is slightly up.


Lucerne Hay is around $400 a tonne.


Clover & Rye Hay is selling anywhere from $255 to $340 a tonne.


There is not much action on the Straw front, but the very best Shedded Straw is making anywhere from $80 to $150 a tonne.


We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:


Paul Grayling - Mallee, Vic based

Paul said - We are seeing a lift in sales on the Hay Job. There is a lot of talk about it. Most down South (Which is one of the main areas hunting for Hay) are noticing the price of the Hay up North, and with the price of freight, quite a few are looking for other options. Freight is becoming a very expensive part of buying Hay, and I have seen several deals squashed due to the landed price being too expensive. Hopefully, pricing will settle, and sellers will be open to meeting the market. That being said, top quality is worth the premium, and we are seeing that reflected in sales.


Shane Ruyg - Qld based

Shane said - There is plenty going on in the Hay world with lots of enquiries and an increase in sales as the weather heats up and little relief in sight currently. Vetch and Cereal Hay are in demand along with some Straw, with pricing increasing due to the lack of quality Hay in key areas. Most buyers are looking for an early break as it will be a long year of feeding otherwise.


Mike Pickard - On the road

Mike said - There have been good sales of Hay throughout Victoria and Southern New South Wales, with the odd load heading over into South Australia. Better quality Lucerne Hay is selling okay, especially for the Bull selling season, as people stock up for the autumn and winter months. Some Cereal Hay is selling from Central New South Wales into Northern New South Wales, and a small amount is heading into Queensland, not in large amounts, though.


Jim Oehms - Northern Country, Vic based

Jim said - There has been a lot of Hay moving around, especially down into the South West of Vic and SE of SA. Speaking to a lot down that way and very dry and feed is needed. More Hay is coming onto the market every day with a variety of Pasture, Wheaten, Oaten, Lucerne and Vetch. As transport is a big factor in buying Hay, a lot are looking for Hay closer to them to save on these costs. Some I have been speaking to are holding onto what they have for the moment. I would suggest getting your Hay listed if you are not holding onto it, as it is in demand. I would also say that getting a feed test is imperative these days, and if you are buying to, go and have a look. Prices for all Hay and Straw are considered still reasonable.


End of message.


For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:

Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or

Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or

Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or

Jim Oehms -- 0481 102 288 or

Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)

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