Hay Report - Looking to execute quickly
- By: "Farm Tender" News
- Hay & Fodder News
- Sep 21, 2021
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For the fortnight up to the 22nd of September 2021.
The topic of conversation is squarely around the new Hay season and what it will bring. The Hay makers are looking to execute quickly so that it doesn't get in the way of the more important Grain Harvest. Farmers get frustrated when the two seasons overlap, and it's usually due to slow curing Hay.
My weather spies are talking about a good rain event for the Eastern states in the first couple of days of October. Some ten or so days away.
Buyers are waiting to see how it all pans out and what the new season offers in relation to quality and then price.
The Silage season is underway, and we are seeing Silage increase in popularity each season and the Equipment required to do Silage improves. It's a much quicker process that suits the owner-operator with Livestock to feed.
A hand full of Farmers have started cutting Vetch Crops. From the small sample size, the reports are that the Crops are pretty thin, and the yield won't be anything to brag about.
There are still sales happening, but it's not large volumes, with some Farmers happy to clear some stock at a discounted rate to free up shed space for the new season stock.
Good luck with the upcoming Hay season.
What's happened to Hay prices over the last fortnight?
Overall it's still a mixed bag, and prices are directly related to quality.
Vetch Hay price reached a peak of $225 a tonne in the last fortnight. A $5 increase.
Oaten Hay got out to $150 a tonne, a $10 increase in the top from the previous fortnight.
We sold a parcel of Clover Hay for $190 a tonne and a package of Lucerne Hay for $275 a tonne.
All prices quoted are Ex GST and Ex Farm.
We go around the grounds to see what our Farm Tender Salespeople have to say:
Paul Grayling - Mallee, Vic based
Paul said - The last fortnight has brought lots of conversations about new season's Hay, With some dropping Crops already and some still waiting patiently. Silage is in full swing, and there has also been a few crops sold standing, I have heard prices ranging from $100 a tonne through to $170 a tonne for standing Crop. Obviously, quality, variety and yields have a big say on the standing price.
Shane Ruyg - Qld based
Shane said - The Hay job has slowed right down with the new season right on our doorstep. The only Hay moving is spot loads or cheap stuff that sellers are wanting to move out of the shed prior to the new season product coming in.
Mike Pickard - Darling Downs, Qld based
Mike said - Vetch and Oaten hay have been selling at reasonably cheap rates so people can empty the sheds ready for the oncoming season.
Buyers are waiting to see what new season Hay quality is like. Talking with a few Farmers in Northern New South Wales, they could be Harvesting around the third week of October and expecting some good yields.
End of message
Dwain Duxson - Farm Tender & DelayPay
For more information on selling or buying Hay contact the following:
Paul Grayling – 0447 069 082 or paulg@farmtender.com.au
Shane Ruyg – 0447 922 604 or shaner@farmtender.com.au
Mike Pickard – 0429 677 636 or mikep@farmtender.com.au
Or 1300 Farming (1300 327 646)
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